Equus hemionus kulan

order - Prissodactyla
tribe - Equidae

Size: height 130 cm
Weigh: 120 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 11 months
Occurrence: steppe and half-steppe in Turkmenia
Food: steppe`s grass
Activity: mostly early morning or by nightfall
Way of life: they create small drove

Kulan is one of the five kind of Asian donkey. Asian donkey is slimer and has shorter ears than donkey of Africa. In a compare with horses, Kulan has big head and less horsehair on a tail. All kinds of Asian donkey - jigetai, onager, kulan, khur and ashdari are very rare today and occer in steppes and half-deserts in the middle and South Asia. ZOO Brno has male Kulik and female Pepina. Males of Kulan and also ather donkeys, they are very aggressive largery during amorous display.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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