Bennett┤s wallaby
Wallabia rufogrisea frutica

order - Marsupialia
tribe - Macropodidae

Size: 80 - 100 cm
Weigh: 10 - 15 kg
Number of youngs: 1
Time with young: 30 days
Occurrence: dry forest - steppes in Tasmania
Food: plant
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they live in herds

Wallaby pertains to the tribe of Marsupialia. For marsupialia is characteristic, that for a short time they start to give a birth to a imperfect young wallabies. These oung wallabies crawl to a bag, where they are fasten to a nipple for onece for one month. Young wallabies leave the bag only for a 6 - 7 months. ZOO Brno has numerous group of wallaby - Bennett`s wallaby, who lives only in Tasmania. We have 3 adult`s males and 5 females. These days each female has youngs.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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