Common buzzard
Buteo buteo

order - Falconiformes
tribe - Accipitridae

Size: 50 - 56 cm
Number of eggs:2 - 5
Time of incubation: 33 - 35 days
Occurrence: mild zone of Europe
Food: carnivorous animal - he hunts mammals - mostly rodents
Activity: day`s
Way of life: live in pairs

Common buzzard excels his variants of colours, from white individuals to brown. He creates several races - Common buzzard nests in the middle and west Europe. Older name "mousehunter" is right, because 70% of the food of Common buzzard are field - voles. Biotype isn`t forest, but landscape with fields and meadows, where Common buzzard hunts.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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