Lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo
Cacatua sulphurea

order - Psittaciformes
tribe - Cacatuidae

Size: 33 cm
Weigh:350 g
Number of eggs: 2 - 3
Time of incubation: 29 days
Occurrence: coast of plains in the islands Sulawesi and Little Sundy
Food: vegetable - seeds, nuts, berries, fruits
Activity: day`s
Way of life: they live in groups past nesting

Lesser sulphur - crested cackatoo lives in tropical rain forests in the open landscape. He spends nights on the trees an specific regions, tomorrow they fly for food and to a watering places. They are striking noisy birds. They fly also in cornfields and banana plantations. They feed seeds, various products, nuts, bananas, berries, sprouts and flowers of trees, largery eucalyptus.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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