Acinonyx jubatus

order - Carnivora
tribe - Felidae

Size: length of the body 180 - 220 cm
Weigh: male 40 - 60 cm, female 35 - 45 cm
Number of youngs: 3 - 4
Time with young: 90 - 95 days
Occurrence: savannahs and steppes in Africa, he lives also in Asia
Food: carnivorous animal - he hunts especially smaller antelopes and gazelles
Activity: during the day
Way of life: lover of solitude

Cheetah has differed from the other cat`s beasts of prey during his evolution. Becase when he hunts, he runs very fastly. Cheetah is the fast animal in the whole world. He runs even 90 - 100 km/ hour. In ZOO Brno we can see male Nuri and female Ikela.

⌐ ZOO Brno, 1998
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