The collection is composed of archival documents and three-
dimensional exhibits dated back to 1850-1950. The field of
civil engineering is represented by plans of historical roof
trusses, steel halls and other structures, road construction
is represented by road maps, aerial photographs of roads,
designs of Empire roads of the Kingdom of Bohemia,
photographs from construction of roads and from granite
quarry, prospectuses and education texts.
The archive file Bridges contains competition designs from
competition of Prague bridges (drawings, plans, photographs,
calculations and documents to wooden, chain, steel, stone
and ferro-concrete bridges of Czech and Austrian-Hungarian
provenance, as well as bridges in Paris, London and
America). One of precious exhibits is the design of the
first chain bridge on European continent from 1824 by
Bed²ich Schnirch and plans and photographs of bridges not
existing at present. The collection contains also
photographic albums and documents of natural disasters,
a set of models of roof trusses of usual as well as
remarkable buildings, models of roof trusses of towers and
examples of joiner's works in interiors (staircases,
windows, doors). The samples of building materials were
directly provided by producers. Worth particular attention
is a collection of mechanical aids for calculation of
building structures. Road construction is represented by
a plastic map of the motorway, models of tunnels, cross-
overs, road slopes, etc., bridge construction by models of
bridges, their details and auxiliary structures.
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