MemberInfo | +--ExtenderInfopublic class ExtenderInfo
ExtenderInfos wrap extender properties... They are extended versions of regular properties that let objects handle properties for other properties... given extender property foo that extends to objects of type Bar to handle property type Baz, the code looks like...
void setFoo(Bar target, Baz value); Baz getFoo(Bar target); boolean changedFoo(Bar target); void resetFoo(Bar target);
Name | Description |
extendeeType | Topic under construction. |
propertyType | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
ExtenderInfo(Class extenderClass, String propertyName, Class extendeeType, Class propertyType, MemberAttribute[] attributes) | Topic under construction. |
ExtenderInfo(Class extenderClass, String propertyName, Class extendeeType, Class propertyType) | Topic under construction. |
ExtenderInfo(Class extenderClass, String propertyName, Class extendeeType, Class propertyType, MemberAttribute a1) | Topic under construction. |
ExtenderInfo(Class extenderClass, String propertyName, Class extendeeType, Class propertyType, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2) | Topic under construction. |
ExtenderInfo(Class extenderClass, String propertyName, Class extendeeType, Class propertyType, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3) | Topic under construction. |
ExtenderInfo(Class extenderClass, String propertyName, Class extendeeType, Class propertyType, MemberAttribute a1, MemberAttribute a2, MemberAttribute a3, MemberAttribute a4) | Topic under construction. |
Name | Description |
changedValue(Object extender, Object extendee) | Topic under construction. |
getChangedAccessor() | Topic under construction. |
getExtendeeType() | Topic under construction. |
getGetAccessor() | Topic under construction. |
getResetAccessor() | Topic under construction. |
getSetAccessor() | Topic under construction. |
getType() | Topic under construction. |
getValue(Object extender, Object extendee) | Topic under construction. |
getValueEditor() | Topic under construction. |
resetValue(Object extender, Object extendee) | Topic under construction. |
setValue(Object extender, Object extendee, Object value) | Topic under construction. |
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.
Topic under construction.