About wfc.core

About wfc.core

The wfc.core package provides support for building Windows Foundation Classes controls and components.


Class CancelEvent
Represents an event fired by components to enable you to cancel a particular operation.
Class CategoryAttribute
Defines a category for a member.
Class ClassInfo
Represents the base class implementation of IClassInfo, which is used to describe a component so that it is compatible with the Visual J++ designer.
Class Component
Represents a base class implementation of IComponent.
Class ComponentInfo
Contains information about a component including its properties, events, and attributes.
Class ComponentManager
Implements an easy way to browse properties and events for a component.
Class ConstructorArg
Represents objects that are returned by the classes that implement the IConstructable.getConstructorArgs method.
Class Container
Provides a base class implementation of the IContainer interface.
Class Customizer
Provides a base class implementation of the ICustomizer interface.
Class CustomizerVerb
The CustomizerVerb class represents a verb that can be run by a component's customizer.
Class DefaultValueAttribute
Holds the default value for a property.
Class DescriptionAttribute
Holds the description string for a member (property, method or event).
Class DesignForm
Implements a DesignForm object.
Class DesignPage
Defines a base implementation for IDesignPage.
Class Enum
Represents the base enumerator class.
Class Event
Represents the base class for all events.
Class EventInfo
Topic under construction.
Class ExtenderInfo
ExtenderInfos wrap extender properties...
Class LocalizableAttribute
Topic under construction.
Class MemberAttribute
Represents a base class for describing aspects of a member (property, method, or event).
Class MemberInfo
Topic under construction.
Class Multicast
The Multicast class implements a multicast-enabled Closure.
Class NonBrowsableAttribute
Implements a nonbrowsable attribute.
Class PropertyInfo
Describes a property.
Class ResourceManager
Manages resource data.
Class ResourceReader
Reads a binary resources stream into a HashTable that contains property names and values.
Class ResourceWriter
The ResourceWriter is responsible for persisting resource data to disk.
Class SubProperty
Topic under construction.
Class Sys
Retrieves named localized resources for various data types.
Class ValueEditor
Represents a standard implementation of the IValueEditor interface.
Class ValueEditorAttribute
Holds the class name of the value editor that should be used to edit a specific property.


Interface IAttributes
Represents a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getAttributes() method of the IClassInfo interface.
Interface IClassInfo
Provides meta-information for a component that cannot be determined from the component itself.
Interface IComponent
The IComponent interface represents a component.
Interface IConstructable
Allows for immutable objects to indicate what constructor arguments would result in an equivalent object.
Interface IContainer
Represents a container object that provides sites for components.
Interface ICustomizer
The ICustomizer interface represents the implementation of a customizer for a particular component.
Interface IDesignPage
Defines a design page, which is a page of a dialog box that allows for changing design time settings.
Interface IDesignPageSite
This interface defines a site for an IDesignPage.
Interface IDropDown
Service interface for implementing custom drop-down behavior in a value editor.
Interface IEvents
The IEvents interface is a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getEvents() method of the IClassInfo interface.
Interface IExtenderProvider
A component extends IExtenderProvider when it wants to provide extender properties for other components in a container.
Interface IExtenders
The IExtenders interface is a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getExtenderProperties() method of the IClassInfo interface.
Interface IPersistable
Allows an object to be persisted to a stream and depersisted from a stream.
Interface IProperties
The IProperties interface is a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getProperties() method of the IClassInfo interface.
Interface IRequireBegin
Any object that implements this method requires the begin method to be called before the object is usable.
Interface IResourceLoader
IResourceLoader represents a component that supports retrieving a resource from that component's namespace.
Interface IResourceReader
Interface that allows an object to depersist resource data from a binary resource file.
Interface IResourceWriter
Allows an object to participate in the storing of resource- based properties.
Interface ISite
Topic under construction.
Interface IValueAccess
Topic under construction.
Interface IValueEditor
The IValueEditor interface represents the implementation of an editor for values of a given type.