About wfc.core
About wfc.core
The wfc.core package provides support for building Windows Foundation Classes controls and components.
- Class CancelEvent
- Represents an event fired by components to enable you to cancel a particular operation.
- Class CategoryAttribute
- Defines a category for a member.
- Class ClassInfo
- Represents the base class implementation of IClassInfo, which is used to describe a component so that it is compatible with the Visual J++ designer.
- Class Component
- Represents a base class implementation of IComponent.
- Class ComponentInfo
- Contains information about a component including its properties, events, and attributes.
- Class ComponentManager
- Implements an easy way to browse properties and events for a component.
- Class ConstructorArg
- Represents objects that are returned by the classes that implement the IConstructable.getConstructorArgs method.
- Class Container
- Provides a base class implementation of the IContainer interface.
- Class Customizer
- Provides a base class implementation of the ICustomizer interface.
- Class CustomizerVerb
- The CustomizerVerb class represents a verb that can be run by a component's customizer.
- Class DefaultValueAttribute
- Holds the default value for a property.
- Class DescriptionAttribute
- Holds the description string for a member (property, method or event).
- Class DesignForm
- Implements a DesignForm object.
- Class DesignPage
- Defines a base implementation for IDesignPage.
- Class Enum
- Represents the base enumerator class.
- Class Event
- Represents the base class for all events.
- Class EventInfo
- Topic under construction.
- Class ExtenderInfo
- ExtenderInfos wrap extender properties...
- Class LocalizableAttribute
- Topic under construction.
- Class MemberAttribute
- Represents a base class for describing aspects of a member (property, method, or event).
- Class MemberInfo
- Topic under construction.
- Class Multicast
- The Multicast class implements a multicast-enabled Closure.
- Class NonBrowsableAttribute
- Implements a nonbrowsable attribute.
- Class PropertyInfo
- Describes a property.
- Class ResourceManager
- Manages resource data.
- Class ResourceReader
- Reads a binary resources stream into a HashTable that contains property names and values.
- Class ResourceWriter
- The ResourceWriter is responsible for persisting resource data to disk.
- Class SubProperty
- Topic under construction.
- Class Sys
- Retrieves named localized resources for various data types.
- Class ValueEditor
- Represents a standard implementation of the IValueEditor interface.
- Class ValueEditorAttribute
- Holds the class name of the value editor that should be used to edit a specific property.
- Interface IAttributes
- Represents a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getAttributes() method of the IClassInfo interface.
- Interface IClassInfo
- Provides meta-information for a component that cannot be determined from the component itself.
- Interface IComponent
- The IComponent interface represents a component.
- Interface IConstructable
- Allows for immutable objects to indicate what constructor arguments would result in an equivalent object.
- Interface IContainer
- Represents a container object that provides sites for components.
- Interface ICustomizer
- The ICustomizer interface represents the implementation of a customizer for a particular component.
- Interface IDesignPage
- Defines a design page, which is a page of a dialog box that allows for changing design time settings.
- Interface IDesignPageSite
- This interface defines a site for an IDesignPage.
- Interface IDropDown
- Service interface for implementing custom drop-down behavior in a value editor.
- Interface IEvents
- The IEvents interface is a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getEvents() method of the IClassInfo interface.
- Interface IExtenderProvider
- A component extends IExtenderProvider when it wants to provide extender properties for other components in a container.
- Interface IExtenders
- The IExtenders interface is a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getExtenderProperties() method of the IClassInfo interface.
- Interface IPersistable
- Allows an object to be persisted to a stream and depersisted from a stream.
- Interface IProperties
- The IProperties interface is a callback interface that is used in implementations of the getProperties() method of the IClassInfo interface.
- Interface IRequireBegin
- Any object that implements this method requires the begin method to be called before the object is usable.
- Interface IResourceLoader
- IResourceLoader represents a component that supports retrieving a resource from that component's namespace.
- Interface IResourceReader
- Interface that allows an object to depersist resource data from a binary resource file.
- Interface IResourceWriter
- Allows an object to participate in the storing of resource- based properties.
- Interface ISite
- Topic under construction.
- Interface IValueAccess
- Topic under construction.
- Interface IValueEditor
- The IValueEditor interface represents the implementation of an editor for values of a given type.