Advanced backup options

While SCO ARCserve/Open is backing up files to tape, it needs to know how to access these files, and whether or not other users should have access to these files. In addition, you can run commands or scripts before and/or after SCO ARCserve/Open performs a backup.

The goal is for SCO ARCserve/Open to efficiently back up your data. By having control over these options, you can optimize SCO ARCserve/Open's performance.

This section covers SCO ARCserve/Open's advanced backup options:

Refer to the appropriate section below for an explanation of each option.

Locked file retry

This option is only used when accessing NetWare file servers.

If, during the backup, any files were unavailable to SCO ARCserve/Open because they were locked by another process, SCO ARCserve/Open can attempt to back them up again by:

Retry immediately

If you specify to retry the file immediately (the default), SCO ARCserve/Open will try again the number of times specified in Retry Count (by default 5 times), every specified number of seconds in Retry Interval (by default every 5 seconds). If the file is still unavailable, this information is written to SCO ARCserve/Open's Activity Log and the job is labeled Incomplete.

Retry after job

If you specify to retry the file after the job, SCO ARCserve/Open will try again the number of times specified in Retry Count (by default 5 times), every specified number of seconds in Retry Interval (by default every 5 seconds). If the file is still unavailable, this information is written to SCO ARCserve/Open's Activity Log and the job is labeled Incomplete.

Access file method

This option is only used when accessing NetWare file servers,

Pre/Post Execution

The Pre/Post Job Execution option allows you to run a command or script on the SCO ARCserve/Open host (where SCO ARCserve/Open is running) before and/or after the backup job is executed.

You can run the following:

For example, SCO ARCserve/Open provides an UNIX shell file, post_exec.ksh, which sends the job owner an e-mail message containing information from the Activity Log. You may want to run this after a job has run to get summarized information about the job.

To specify the command or script to run, simply enter the name of the command or script in the Before Job Execution and/or After Job Execution fields.

Make sure that the path to the command you want to run is correct, or you enter the path before the command. For example, in the above box, you want to run post_exec.ksh. If the command: post_exec.ksh was in the usr/lib/ARCserve directory, then you would have to enter: /usr/lib/ARCserve/post_exec.ksh.

Next topic: Tape options for backup jobs
Previous topic: General backup options

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