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Use the Career place to tell Money about your career: what your current earnings are, and what you expect them to be until you retire. YouÆll enter other income sources, such as inheritances, alimony, or pension benefits, in the Other Income place. If youÆve entered another breadwinner in your plan in the About You place, youÆll enter that career information as well. (For example, when Carrie and Eric use Money, they see two career places ù Carrie's Career and Eric's Career ù to enter their career information.)
In the Career place, youÆll:
WhatÆs the difference between gross and net salary?
Gross salary is the amount of money that you receive before deductions for taxes, retirement funds, health insurance, and so on are taken from your paycheck. Net salary is your ôtake homeö pay ù the money from your paycheck you actually see.
What rate of inflation is assumed by the graph when I choose to show the effects of inflation?
By default, Money uses a conservative inflation rate, 3.0%, to estimate future inflation, but you can choose another rate to be used for forecasting. For information about changing this rate, see Learn how Money estimates inflation.
How does the career information I enter affect my plan?
Your lifetime plan shows a forecast of income and expenses over your lifetime. The income information you show here is reflected in that long-term forecast. If you change jobs or get a raise, enter the new income information here to adjust your forecast.
Play the Getting Started With the Lifetime Planner video.
How do I enter income information for my partner and myself?
How do I enter career events that affect my salary?