Transfer money electronically between accounts (Xfer)
Can I do this with any financial institution?
If you have Direct Statements (A Direct Financial Service that allows you to download online statements directly and securely from your financial institution, and depending on your financial institution, transfer money electronically between accounts.) enabled for multiple accounts at the same financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.), you might be able to transfer money between these accounts. Support for electronic transfers (Xfers), however, depends on your financial institution.
If you don't see the account you want, look for it under Other Open Accounts or Closed Accounts.
In the register, a lightning bolt and an open envelope appear in the Number field next to the word "Xfer."
Can I transfer money to an account not set up for Direct Statements?
Yes. Just enter an electronic payment (Epay) to yourself at that account.
How do I create an electronic payment (Epay)?
How do I review and send banking instructions to my financial institution?
Will my electronic transfer (Xfer) happen on the exact date I specify?