Find out when my electronic transfer will happen
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The amount of time required to process an electronic transfer (A transaction that moves money between accounts. You can enter an Xfer by clicking the Transfer tab in the Account Register and entering Xfer in the number field. You only need to enter the transaction once, and it will be recorded in both accounts. You can also enter a transfer by using the special category ôtransfer.ö) varies according to your financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.).
In some cases, money is withdrawn from your account before the due date to make sure your payment doesn't bounce. For example, if you specify a non-banking day for your transfer, the money may need to be withdrawn from your account a couple of days earlier. Make sure you have enough money in your account on the withdrawal date listed in the dialog box.
How do I get more information about electronic transfers?
If you have questions about how your electronic transfer works, see the materials your financial institution sent you, send e-mail, or call the customer support number that's listed when you click Contact Information in the left pane of the Online Financial Services screen.
How do I transfer money electronically between accounts?