Find out the difference between Web and Direct Financial Services
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The primary difference between Web and Direct Financial Services has to do with where you complete your financial tasks and how much of the process Money handles automatically.
A modem (Short for modulator/demodulator, a communications device that enables a computer to send or receive information over a standard telephone line.), Internet access, and an account at a participating financial institution are required for Web Financial Services.
Direct Financial Services employs state-of-the-art encryption technology to ensure that your transmissions are safe and secure.
Depending on the Direct Financial Services you sign up for, a modem and a checking account at either the selected financial institution (for Direct Statements (A Direct Financial Service that allows you to download online statements directly and securely from your financial institution, and depending on your financial institution, transfer money electronically between accounts.)) or any financial institution in the U.S. (for Direct Bill Payment (A Direct Financial Service that allows you to pay bills electronically, which can be used with any checking account in the U.S. After you set up Direct Bill Payment at your financial institution, you can have money electronically debited from your account and your financial institution will send that money to your designated payee.)) are required.
The cost and availability of these Online Services depend on your service provider or financial institution.
Tell me more about Web Financial Services.
Tell me more about Direct Financial Services.
How do I find out what Online Services my financial institution offers?
How do I set up my computer to use the Internet?