Updated June 16, 1997

Models DHEA-34330 and DHEA-36480

Electrical interface specifications


The DC power connector is designed to mate with AMP part 1-480424 (using AMP pins P/N 350078-4). Equivalent assignments are shown below, viewed from the end of the drive.

AT I/F connector

The drive uses single-ended drivers and receivers. The connector is designed to mate with 3M part 3417-7000 or equivalent.

Note: A/T = IDE
Note: It is intended that the drive should only be in electrical contact with the chassis of a designated set of mounting holes. Other electrical contact may degrade error rate performance. As a result of this it is recommended that there should be no metal contact to the drive except at the mounting holes or the side rails into which the mounting holes are taped.


The maximum cable length from the host system to the drive, plus the circuit pattern length inside the host systems, must not exceed 18 inches (45.7 cm).

For higher data transfer application (>8.3 MB/sec) a consideration in system design is recommended to reduce cable noise and/or cross-talk, such as; shorter cable, bus termination, shielded cable, etc.

Signal definition

The pin assignments of interface signals are listed as follows:

PIN    Signal   I/O    PIN   Signal    I/O

 01     -RESET     I      02     GND
 03      DD07     I/O     04     DD08       I/O
 05      DD06     I/O     06     DD09       I/O
 07      DD05     I/O     08     DD10       I/O
 09      DD04     I/O     10     DD11       I/O
 11      DD03     I/O     12     DD12       I/O
 13      DD02     I/O     14     DD13       I/O
 15      DD01     I/O     16     DD14       I/O
 17      DD00     I/O     18     DD15       I/O
 19      GND             (20)    KEY
 21      DMARQ     O      22     GND
 23     -DIOW *    I      24     GND
 25     -DIOR *    I      26     GND
 27      IORDY*    O      28     CSEL        I
 29     -DMACK     I      30     GND
 31      INTRQ     O      32    -HIOCS16     O
 33      DA01      I      34    -PDIAG      I/O
 35      DA00      I      36     DA02        I
 37     -CSO       I      38    -CS1         I
 39     -DASP     I/O     40     GND
  • "O" designates an output from the drive.
  • "I" designates an input from the drive.
  • "I/O" designates an input/output common.
  • "*" these signal lines are redifined during the Ultra DMA protocol to provide special functions as detailed in the table below.


    The interface conforms to the working document of information technology - AT attachment - 3 interface (ATA-3) revision 6 dated October 26 1995 with following deviations.

    ICRCE (Interface CRC error)
    Bit 7 of Error Register is supported as Interface CRC Error bit. This bit will be set if a CRC error has occurred on the data bus during an ULTRA-DMA transfer.

    Check power mode
    Check Power Mode command returns FFh to the sector count register when the drive is in idle mode. This command does not support 80h as the return value.

    Sleep mode
    During sleep mode the drive will be activated by any command, including, but not limited to, a soft reset.

    Hard reset
    Hard reset response is identical to a soft reset reponse with the following exception: in a hard reset, the drive goes through the Master/Slave handshake to determine if a slave is present, in a soft reset this handshake does not occur. In a hard reset the Master drive looks at the DASP line to determine if it is asserted indicating a Slave is present. The Master drive also checks the PDIAG line to see if the Slave has passed its internal diagnostics.

    Registers (primary channel addresses)

    Address    Input register      Output register
    1F0h        data                  data
    1F1h        error                 features
    1F2h        sector count          sector count
    1F3h        sector number         sector number
                *LBA bits 0-7         *LBA bits 0-7
    1F4h        cylinder low          cylinder low
                *LBA bits 8-15        *LBA bits 8-15
    1F5h        cylinder high         cylinder high
                *LBA bits 16-23       *LBA bits 16-23
    1F6h        drive/head            drive/head
                *LBA bits 24-27       *LBA bits 24-27
    1F7h        status                command
    3F6h        alternate status      device control
    3F7h        drive address         not used
    The host uses the register interface to communicate to and from the drive. The registers are accessed through the host port addresses shown. The host should not read or write any registers when the Status Register BSY bit = 1.

    Note: *Meaning of register contents when LBA addressing mode used.

    Product highlights Mechanical data
    Product description
    Jumpers and configuration
    Command descriptions
    Electrical interface specification

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