ChromaCurve Graphs and the Color Match Control
When you use the Color Match control in the Curves tab, a gray crosshair marker appears in each appropriate ChromaCurve graph to mark the intersection of the input value as defined by the input color swatch in the Color Match control and the output value as defined by the output color swatch in the Color Match control.
When you click the Match Color button, the system adds a new control point and updates the ChromaCurve graphs to reflect the color match. If you are not using NaturalMatch or if the ChromaCurve graphs have not received any previous adjustment, the new control point appears at the location of the crosshair marker. If you are using NaturalMatch or if the ChromaCurve graphs have already received some adjustment, the system makes a more complex calculation to reflect the input saturation and luminance values or to take earlier ChromaCurve graph adjustments into account. In these cases, the new control point does not appear at the location of the crosshair marker.
The following illustrations show this behavior both before and after you click the Match Color button.