Using the Color Match Control
Both Color Correction groups include a Color Match control. This control allows you to quickly make a correction by selecting input and output colors from your images, from the Windows Color dialog box, or from the Macintosh Color Picker. If you select the "Eyedropper Picks from Anywhere in Application" option in the Correction Mode Settings dialog box, you can also select colors from any other location within your Avid application, such as a custom color swatch saved in a bin.
When you use the Color Match control, the system replaces the input color value with the output color value and adjusts all the other color values in the image proportionally. The system also automatically adjusts the other controls in the group to reflect the change. You can set the combination of color channels or components the system uses to determine the match by making menu selections.
For example, if you want to replace the blue sky tone in one image with that in another to match the two shots, you can use the Color Match control to pick the two colors and automate the color adjustment.
When you are working in the Curves group, the Color Match control also includes the NaturalMatch feature. NaturalMatch allows you to replace the hue values in an image with new output values without distorting the saturation and luminance values in the image.
You can also Alt+drag (Windows) or Option+drag (Macintosh) colors to a bin and save them as custom colors. You can then click a custom color and drag it into the Color Match control at any time, or, if you have the "Eyedropper Picks from Anywhere in Application" option selected, you can select a custom color from its swatch in the bin using the eyedropper.
The following topics are covered in this section:
  Making a Correction with the Color Match Control
  Selecting Match Type Options
  Understanding NaturalMatch
  Saving Custom Colors to a Bin
  Getting RGB Information Using the Color Match Control

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to