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Mutual Business Relantionship
Datum prvnφho v²skytu: °φjen 2002



I am Idris Abubakar, the Financial Controller and the Contract Award Committee Chairman in the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA)Headquarters in Abuja - Nigeria. My colleague have assigned me to seek for assistance of a reliable foreigner through whom ,we can transfer the sum of US$12,600,000.00 (Twelve Million, Six Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) which arose from the deliberate over-inflated contract value for the General Expansion of the Kanji Dam Thermal Station on behalf of the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) for increased energy generation to Nigeria and some other West African countries.
This contract was awarded in 1999 to an expatriate firm with the consideration of 10% commission agreement on the total contract value. The contract has been executed and the bona-fide contractor has long been paid, we are left with this US$12,600,000.00 being our share that is remaining in the Federal Government Account. The current favorable political/economic climate in the country now presented an opportunity for this money to be transferred out of the country. A friend who was formally Importing goods from your country, gave me your contact address. He told me that you are trustworthy though he did not know my mission. This assurance gave me courage to link you up for this particular transaction, and I hope it will be of mutual benefit to all of us.

Our contact in the Federal Ministry of Finance have given us a go ahead advice to begin the process of the remittance, hence we have set in motion the machinery for the take off of this transaction and further action will commence immediately we hear from you. We have agreed that the transfer of the money into your account, you shall be entitled to 30% of the total amount transferred, while the remaining 70% will be for us. We decided to give you this percentage in order to motivate you and also to let you feel satisfied at the end of this transaction. The nature of your business is not particularly relevant for the success of this transaction. All we require is your willingness to cooperate and assurance that our own share will be given to us, when this money is transferred into your account. All necessary precautions have been taken to ensure a no risk situation on the sides of both parties and it is believed that the conclusion of this transaction will not last more than 8 working days. However, we are going to retrieve the whole documents that will relate to this transaction and destroy them after the transfer of the money into your account to avoid any trace of the money.

Since we have no knowledge of business, our plan is to invest this money into Real Estate, stocks and we can also invest in some other profitable business in your country based on your advice because many of our years were spent as civil servants and, we may likely resign from government service to private business after this money is transferred into your account.

Please note that this business is strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to a third party. This is necessary to avoid disclosure that may jeopardize the transaction. If this proposal is acceptable to you, or if you have any question, feel free to contact me by email: or Tel/fax:234-9-2726136, you should also send to me your private email address , telephone and fax numbers for easy and confidential communication. I will oblige you with further information if so required.

Best Regards,

Idris Abubakar.

Poznßmka redaktora:

Voln² p°eklad informacφ o postupech podvodnφk∙ a rady, jak se nenechat napßlit.
P°elo╛eno ze serveru N.A.S.P.A:

Jak podvod funguje?

- PotΘ, co se gang s ob∞tφ ·sp∞╣n∞ zkontaktuje, po╛aduje informace o bankovnφm ·Φtu, aby mohl provΘst transakci.V nßsledujφcφm kroku zaΦnou podvodnφci po╛adovat nutnΘ dokumenty, kterΘ ob∞╗ nem∙╛e poskytnout, nap°φklad: v²pis z Obchodnφho rejst°φku v NigΘrii, obchodnφ certifikßty, da≥ovΘ formulß°e a mnoho jin²ch. Ob∞╗ je pak odkazovßna na fale╣nΘ prßvnφky, vlßdnφ ·°ednφky a bankovnφ mana╛ery, kte°φ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu sprßvnφch poplatk∙. Kdy╛ je zaplacen jeden poplatek, podvodnφcφ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu dal╣φch poplatk∙. To v╣e trvß tak dlouho, dokud je ob∞╗ ochotna a schopna platit. V tΘto fßzi se podvodnφci n∞kdy chovajφ hrub∞ a╛ agresivn∞.

- KoneΦn² v²sledek je ten, ╛e ob∞╗ zaplatφ v╣echny "poplatky" a p°evod se z n∞jakΘho d∙vodu nakonec neuskuteΦnφ.

- V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech se stalo, ╛e zloΦinci ╛ßdali ob∞╗ o podvodnou nßv╣t∞vu (bez platnΘho vφza) Nigerie nebo jinΘ zem∞ k dokonΦenφ transakce.
Pokud ob∞╗ opravdu p°iletφ, setkß se zde s fale╣n²mi nebo se zkorumpovan²mi ·°ednφky. Postupn∞ se zaΦnou se objevovat dal╣φ problΘmy a pro jejich vy°φzenφ je pot°eba uhradit dal╣φ poplatky.
Pokud se ob∞ti sna╛φ z obchodu vycouvat, zaΦnou b²t vydφrßny pro nezßkonou nßv╣t∞vu p°φslu╣nΘ zem∞. V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech byly dokonce neochotnΘ ob∞ti zavra╛d∞nΘ.

Bu∩te ostra╛itφ. V╛dy existuje n∞jakß pravd∞podobnost, ╛e dostanete podvodn² e-mail.

Jak zφskali moji adresu a proΦ si m∞ vybrali pro podvod?
Nevybrali vßs. Oni stßle prohledßvajφ Internet kv∙li kontaktu mo╛n²ch ob∞tφ. Kontaktujφ nßhodnΘ e-mailovΘ adresy, zφskßvajφ kontakty z r∙zn²ch chat∙, datov²ch slu╛eb, kupujφ ilegßln∞ zφskanΘ spamovΘ seznamy, prohledßvajφ diskuznφ skupiny, v²v∞sky, reklamy apod.

ProΦ je nebezpeΦnΘ odpovφdßt na tyto dopisy?
Ka╛dß odpov∞∩ nebo reakce potvrdφ funkΦnost va╣φ adresy, co╛ p°itahuje pozornost pochybn²ch ╛ivl∙. To nenφ dobrΘ ani kdy╛ pochßzφ z cizφ zem∞. Jsou i p°φpady, kdy podvodnφci pou╛ily detaily ze zßhlavφ dopis∙-odpov∞dφ a toto vyu╛ily k nov²m podvod∙m.

Ji╛ jsem odpov∞d∞l na dopis a poskytnul osobnφ a finanΦnφ informace. Poru╣il jsem zßkon?
Poskytovßnφ va╣ich osobnφch a finanΦnφch informacφ nenφ zloΦin. Jestli╛e jste v╣ak poskytnul fotokopii va╣eho pasu nebo °idiΦskΘho pr∙kazu, mohou b²t zhotoveny jejich pad∞lky a n∞kdo m∙╛e pou╛φvat va╣i identitu p°i n∞jakΘ nekalΘ Φinnosti.

Je mo╛nΘ, aby mi do╣el podvodn² e-mail z jinΘ zem∞ ne╛ je Nigerie?
Na Internetu je mo╛nΘ z°φdit r∙znΘ bezplatnΘ - freemailovΘ ·Φty, kterΘ mohou b²t zneu╛ity.

Jak moc se tyto dopisy ╣φ°φ na Internetu?
Toto je jeden z mnoha druh∙ podvodn²ch dopis∙. Gangy se stßvajφ d∙mysln∞j╣φ a vym²╣lφ novΘ podvody. Sbφrka pen∞z na ╣kolu pro chudΘ d∞ti, cestovnφ kancelß°e okradenΘ o lφstky a mnoho dal╣φch zp∙sob∙. ZloΦinci se takΘ zam∞°ujφ na charity, nßbo╛enskΘ organizace, prßvnickΘ firmy, realitnφ maklΘ°e, doktory a podobn∞.

Copyright ©2000-2002 Josef D╛ubßk, All rights reserved.
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