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DIGITAL ACTION s.r.o. ::. ZnaΦkovΘ poΦφtaΦe LEO, telekomunikaΦnφ technika, internet service provider, internetovΘ aplikace, webdesign, databßzovΘ systΘmy
Datum prvnφho v²skytu: duben 2002



I know this proposal letter may come to you as a surprise considering the fact that we have not had any formal acquaintance before .but all the same I would want you for the sake of God to give this an immediate attention in view of the fact that the security of our live and possession is at stake .

I am Mr ANDY HAMSON a 28 years old from war ravaged SIERRA LEONE but presently domiciled in Abidjan Ivory coast with my sister JANET who is 18 years old .My father Mr RICHARD HAMSON who before his untimely assassination by the rebels was the Director of SIERRA LEONE Diamond corporation (SLDC) .He was killed in our government residential house along side two of my other brothers ,two house maids and one government attached security guard fortunately for I, younger sister and mother ,we were on a week end visit to our home town As we got the news of the tragedy .We immediately managed to ran into neighbouring Ivory coast for refuge .But unfortunately .As Fate would have it ,we lost our dear mother (may soul rest in peace) as a result of what the Doctor called cardiac arrest .

As we were coming into this country ,we had some documents of a deposit of $ 11 700 000 USD (eleven
million seven hundred thousand USD ) made by my late
father in a security and trust company .According to my father, he intended to use this fund for his international business transaction after his tenure in office but was unfortunately murdered .We had located the security company where the money is deposited with the help of an attorney and established right now ,with the bitter experiences we had in our country and the war still going on especially in diamond area which incidentally is where we hail from .coupled with the incessant political upheavals and hostilities in this country Ivory coast ,we desire seriously to leave here and live the rest of our life into a more peaceful and politically stable country like yours Hence this proposal and request .We therefore wish you can help us in the following regards :

1) To provide us with a good bank account to transfer the money into
2) To help us invest the money into a lucrative business .
3) To assist my sister Janet get a college admission to further her education.

Please I know that , this letter may sound strange and incredible to you but the CNN and the BBC African bulletin normally have it as their major news features .Therefore for the sake of God and humanity
give an immediate positive consideration and reply to
me via our e-mail address. I will willingly agree to any suitable percentage of the money you will propose as your compensation for your assistance with regards to the above .please in view of our sensitive refugee status and as we are still conscious of our father 's enemies .
I would like you to give this a highly confidential approach .

Best Regards .


Poznßmka redaktora:

Voln² p°eklad informacφ o postupech podvodnφk∙ a rady, jak se nenechat napßlit.
P°elo╛eno ze serveru N.A.S.P.A:

Jak podvod funguje?

- PotΘ, co se gang s ob∞tφ ·sp∞╣n∞ zkontaktuje, po╛aduje informace o bankovnφm ·Φtu, aby mohl provΘst transakci.V nßsledujφcφm kroku zaΦnou podvodnφci po╛adovat nutnΘ dokumenty, kterΘ ob∞╗ nem∙╛e poskytnout, nap°φklad: v²pis z Obchodnφho rejst°φku v NigΘrii, obchodnφ certifikßty, da≥ovΘ formulß°e a mnoho jin²ch. Ob∞╗ je pak odkazovßna na fale╣nΘ prßvnφky, vlßdnφ ·°ednφky a bankovnφ mana╛ery, kte°φ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu sprßvnφch poplatk∙. Kdy╛ je zaplacen jeden poplatek, podvodnφcφ ╛ßdajφ ·hradu dal╣φch poplatk∙. To v╣e trvß tak dlouho, dokud je ob∞╗ ochotna a schopna platit. V tΘto fßzi se podvodnφci n∞kdy chovajφ hrub∞ a╛ agresivn∞.

- KoneΦn² v²sledek je ten, ╛e ob∞╗ zaplatφ v╣echny "poplatky" a p°evod se z n∞jakΘho d∙vodu nakonec neuskuteΦnφ.

- V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech se stalo, ╛e zloΦinci ╛ßdali ob∞╗ o podvodnou nßv╣t∞vu (bez platnΘho vφza) Nigerie nebo jinΘ zem∞ k dokonΦenφ transakce.
Pokud ob∞╗ opravdu p°iletφ, setkß se zde s fale╣n²mi nebo se zkorumpovan²mi ·°ednφky. Postupn∞ se zaΦnou se objevovat dal╣φ problΘmy a pro jejich vy°φzenφ je pot°eba uhradit dal╣φ poplatky.
Pokud se ob∞ti sna╛φ z obchodu vycouvat, zaΦnou b²t vydφrßny pro nezßkonou nßv╣t∞vu p°φslu╣nΘ zem∞. V n∞kter²ch p°φpadech byly dokonce neochotnΘ ob∞ti zavra╛d∞nΘ.

Bu∩te ostra╛itφ. V╛dy existuje n∞jakß pravd∞podobnost, ╛e dostanete podvodn² e-mail.

Jak zφskali moji adresu a proΦ si m∞ vybrali pro podvod?
Nevybrali vßs. Oni stßle prohledßvajφ Internet kv∙li kontaktu mo╛n²ch ob∞tφ. Kontaktujφ nßhodnΘ e-mailovΘ adresy, zφskßvajφ kontakty z r∙zn²ch chat∙, datov²ch slu╛eb, kupujφ ilegßln∞ zφskanΘ spamovΘ seznamy, prohledßvajφ diskuznφ skupiny, v²v∞sky, reklamy apod.

ProΦ je nebezpeΦnΘ odpovφdßt na tyto dopisy?
Ka╛dß odpov∞∩ nebo reakce potvrdφ funkΦnost va╣φ adresy, co╛ p°itahuje pozornost pochybn²ch ╛ivl∙. To nenφ dobrΘ ani kdy╛ pochßzφ z cizφ zem∞. Jsou i p°φpady, kdy podvodnφci pou╛ily detaily ze zßhlavφ dopis∙-odpov∞dφ a toto vyu╛ily k nov²m podvod∙m.

Ji╛ jsem odpov∞d∞l na dopis a poskytnul osobnφ a finanΦnφ informace. Poru╣il jsem zßkon?
Poskytovßnφ va╣ich osobnφch a finanΦnφch informacφ nenφ zloΦin. Jestli╛e jste v╣ak poskytnul fotokopii va╣eho pasu nebo °idiΦskΘho pr∙kazu, mohou b²t zhotoveny jejich pad∞lky a n∞kdo m∙╛e pou╛φvat va╣i identitu p°i n∞jakΘ nekalΘ Φinnosti.

Je mo╛nΘ, aby mi do╣el podvodn² e-mail z jinΘ zem∞ ne╛ je Nigerie?
Na Internetu je mo╛nΘ z°φdit r∙znΘ bezplatnΘ - freemailovΘ ·Φty, kterΘ mohou b²t zneu╛ity.

Jak moc se tyto dopisy ╣φ°φ na Internetu?
Toto je jeden z mnoha druh∙ podvodn²ch dopis∙. Gangy se stßvajφ d∙mysln∞j╣φ a vym²╣lφ novΘ podvody. Sbφrka pen∞z na ╣kolu pro chudΘ d∞ti, cestovnφ kancelß°e okradenΘ o lφstky a mnoho dal╣φch zp∙sob∙. ZloΦinci se takΘ zam∞°ujφ na charity, nßbo╛enskΘ organizace, prßvnickΘ firmy, realitnφ maklΘ°e, doktory a podobn∞.

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