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Additional Documentation Files


This is a collection of technical documentation files. I.e. if you want change the more private configuration files of the game, this documentation may be helpful. Sorry for the german readers, but offering all those files in two languages was just too much work. Only english versions are available.

Depot.tab syntax documentation. This will explain how to include new vehicles into the game.
Gebaeude.tab syntax documentation. This will explain how to include new buildings into the game.
Vehicle.tab syntax documentation. This will help to customize vehicles if you want to do so.

If you want to change the images in the game, you can get the current set of images along with a tool to include your own images from me. Just send me an email.

Rules for new images. Read this before painting new images to make sure the images fit well into the game.

Often I get asked if I plan to include more types of industries and goods into the game. Here is a plan for more industries written by myself along with some suggestions from a Simutrans fan.

A plan for additional industries and goods for Simutrans. Tell me if you have additional ideas.
Additional ideas and corrections, sent in by Dark Fyre

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Hj. Malthaner
Last modified: Wed Sep 27 18:18:06 CEST 2000