This is the plan for additional industries in Simutrans. This is also a guideline for the ones who plan to paint industrial buildings and/or waggons/trucks to transport the goods. First a list of goods which get produced and consumed by the various industries: - iron ore - coal - oil - wood - cotton - grain/fruits/vegetables/meat - steel - water - paper - planks - cloth - food - plastics - cars - fuel - books - furniture - chemistry - medicine - home tools Who produces all this things? Who consumes this goods? Here's the list of the industries: Iron ore mine: Produces - iron ore Consumes - nothing Coal mine: Produces - coal Consumes - nothing Oil rig/Oil field: Produces - oil Consumes - nothing Timber wood: Produces - wood Consumes - nothing Cotton plantage Produces - otton Consumes - nothing Farm: Produces - meat - corn/grain - fruits Consumes - nothing Steel mill: Produces - steel Consumes - iron ore (- water) Power station: Produces - electric power Consumes - coal/oil Saw mill: Produces - planks Consumes - wood Paper mill: Produces - paper Consumes - wood Weaving mill: Produces - cloth Consumes - cotton Food factory: Produces: - food Consumes: - one ore more of corn/grain/meat/fruits - water Refinery: Produces: - plastics - fuel - chemistry Consumes: - oil Car factory: Produces: - cars Consumes: - steel - plastics Printery: Produces: - books Consumes: - paper Furniture Factory: Produces: - furniture Consumes: - planks Cloth industry: Produces: - clothes Consumes: - cloth Supermarket: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - food Clothes shop: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - clothes Pharmacy: Produces: - medicines Consumes: - chemistry - water Home tools producer: Produces: - home tools Consumes: - steel - plastics Gas station: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - fuel Book shop: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - books Furniture shop: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - furniture Chemists shop: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - chemistry - medicine Home tools shop: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - home tools Car shop: Produces: - nothing Consumes: - cars