This is very short and basic documentation of the vehicle entry syntax used in the file: Open with a text editor. (The text editor must support unix style newlines.) It should start with: --------------- 200 Bus strasse pax 48 0 acht false 80 500000 0 0 Explanation 200: Number of basic image. Do not change in v0.74e Bus: Name of the thing. Must match entry in language files. strasse: Kind of way the vehicle uses. Use "strasse" for trucks and bussees, "schiene" for trains pax: Typ of goods to transport. See other vehicles for other gods. 48: Max number of goods units carried 0: Type of smoke, 0 = doesn't smoke, use 76 for diesel and 47 for steam acht: number of sub-images, don't change for trucks. Waggons may use "vier" or "acht" depending on the number of images. false: doesn't show freight as image, true for using a diferent image for loaded cars (200+8 in this case) 80: max speed in km/h 500000: cost of the vehicle 0: engine power in KW (unused for trucks) 0: vehicle weight in tons (unused for trucks) Change the values to change the bus. You can change the existing vehicles this way. To include new vehicles you need to change the file. See depot_tab.txt for further explanations. If you don't understand this explanation or if you have questions how to include new vehicles into the game just ask me: Written by Hj. Malthaner, August 2000