1st Forest Server
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  - interesting information for forest engineers and everybody else...
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motto: "One of the most magical things about the Internet is that it doesn't matter how big your company is, but what it can do... "

The 1st Forest Server has been created and managed by a small group of former schoolmates of The Forestry Faculty in Brno, CZ with a great help of several friendly folks.

E-mail: skala@prvniles.cz
ICQ #: 31449419
phone: +042 0367 582 060
phone: +042 0367 582 393
fax.: +042 0367 582 060
Mobil: +042 0603 58 45 50
post: Senožaty 75, 394 56

Czech Republic

"I work in forest industry management as a forest developer and GIS (Geographic Information System) specialist. I'm OLH licensed forestry-cultural manager and occasionally provide educational seminars to SW users interested in The Forestry-Cultural Plan (The Forestry-Cultural Warp)"

Ing. Vít Skála
- main initiator
- so far also the webmaster

"Feel free to contact me with anything regarding The 1st Forest Server (comments, suggestions, contents and graphic design of the server pages)."

Use ICQ Respond-Online Panel to communicate with me!

Ing. Štěpán Křístek
- main associate
- addresses database manager

"You may contact me with anything in regard to addresses published on The 1st Forest Server (updates, corrections, comments). Let me also know if you can't find your company address in our database, please..."

E-mail: kristek@prvniles.cz
ICQ #: 33651332
+042 0658 62 19 28
post: Těšínská 1166,
Frýdek-Mistek, 738 01
Czech Republic

"I work at Institute Of Forest Management as IDC engineer"

Use ICQ Respond-Online Panel to communicate with me!

List of other co-workers here!

Special thanks to Taboo from the U. S. for valuable advices regarding the structure and design of this server, creating some graphics and also for big help with translation of these pages into English.
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ă Vit Skala, 1999