zpět Registration  

"Any forester, who isn't registered at the 1st Forest Server, seems not to exist!"

Register at the 1st Forest Server and you get: - you will have an opportunity to present your company on Czech forest market
  - we will place your URL on our web site at the section: "members"
  - you will get credit for 20 ads at our classifieds (we will translate your ads into Czech)
  - you will get special discount to other our services
  - you will support development of this public information service
Look at the complete list of our services!

You can register by: 1) On-line form.
  2) E-mail pošta. Send your data according to the order.
  3) Post. Send printed and filled order.

We will consider any type of registration binding and on its basis we send you an invoice. Immediately after we get your payment (we accept only bank transfer at that time), your registration became valid. Information about your company, including appropriate URL, will be presented in 24 hours after adding the payment on our account. The change of your contact data (phone, fax etc.) will be free performed at any time during a subscribed period (12 months). The 1st Forest Server operator will do it in 24 hours as soon as you inform him about that change. If you have any question of the 1st Forest Server registration or operation, don't hesitate to contact us right now! pošta

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ă Vit Skala, 1999