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motto: "One of the most magical things about the Internet is that it doesn't matter how big your company is, but what it can do... "

E-mail: skala@prvniles.cz

"I work at District Bureau as CEO of Environment. Department "

Ing. Karel Obrmajer
- Reference & Terminology database manager
- publisher of Forestry & Hunting pages

"You may contact me in regard to any forestry and hunting related terms and information you couldn't find in our database. My two colleagues listed above don't have a clue what hunting really is."J

Ing. Karel Uhlík
- Stock market companies pages publisher

"I'll gladly help - if I can..."

E-mail: karel.uhlik@atlas.cz

I also do web-design, you may look at my other pages at http://www.raselina.cz.


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ă Vit Skala, 1999