News Page
February 28th, 1998
You will have to forgive me everyone if I am not my usual cheerful self today... I am in mourning. Apple computer today announced the discontinuation of the MessagePad and Emate line of hand-held computers. I have been an avid fan of the MessagePad line since the MP110 came out a number of years ago. I have since had an MP2000 and now have an MP2100. It is a fantastic device and I am greatly disappointed to see it dropped like a hot rock. Maybe it is not too late for some other company to revive it. I suppose I can still hope... Anyway, I still think that porting the Delphi development system to the Newton would have been the thing that would have saved them... <grin>...
Back on the Delphi scene, we have great article for all you digital sound fans out there. Tex Murphy presents Digital Sound and Music in Delphi.
Keep an eye out in the next day or two. I will be posting the prizes awarded for the contributors for the month of February! Also, another reminder to fill out the survey if you haven't already!
February 26th, 1998
Borland has recently announced that for its fiscal year 1998 third quarter and nine months ended December 31, 1997, that the company has delivered a third consecutive quarter of profitability with revenues up 17 percent. If you want to learn more about this, you can check out the Borland press report at
Need to look for files in your Delphi app? Eddie Shipman shows how you can access the Win95 FindFiles dialog from within your application.
I wanted to also say thanks to those of you who have been filling out the survey. It is clear that people still want some form of downloadable information, so maybe the solution is to offer a downloadable "archive" of all articles and tips/tricks each month. If you haven't had a chance to check out the survey, please take a few moments to do it... Thanks!
February 24th, 1998
I have put together a small survey to get some input on the new UNDU site. Please take a few moments to fill it out.
February 23rd, 1998
Do you have a hard time telling which edit field on a form has the focus? Problem solved... check out the tip on Giving Your EditBoxes Some Attention by Herbert J. Beemster. Also, Lance Leonard presents an improved method of cutting, copying, and pasting from the active control.
February 21st, 1998
More changes in the UNDU world... I have thought a great deal about this and have decided for the sake of simplicity to abandon the concept of specific "issues" of UNDU. Because of this decision, Issue #24 will the last real issue of UNDU that you will see. Instead, I will be posting my articles, and those I receive from outside contributors every couple of days and noting them here on the News page and adding them as links in the Tips & Tricks and Articles & Reviews pages.
The advantages are many: It will simplify my work load considerably, because I wouldn't have to dedicate many days of effort to get out a single issue. I will also be able to bring material to readers in a much more timely manner (i.e. every few days instead of every few months). The big disadvantage is of course that I would no longer be putting out the downloadable Windows Help File issues (*.HLP). I know this is going to upset quite a few of you out there who don't like to read things online, but I will keep that in mind when putting articles together. For example, I will try to keep articles all together as one link, so when you visit it, you can print it out, save it to disk, or whatever, without having to hunt your way through multiple links just to read one article.
I am excited about this new format and would welcome readers comments on this decision. I really appreciate everyones support to UNDU... I have a ton of really great articles that are going to start flooding your way. So brace yourself! Note also that I will still be giving out prizes to randomly-selected contributors. I have plenty of great things to give away so at the end of each month, there will be an announcement of who the winner(s) are!
To get things off to a good start, here are some new articles:
Delphi 3's Code Parameters - by Clinton R. Johnson
CD Change Notifications - by Tom Deprez
February 20th, 1998
Matt Price of Multizone International has announced low-cost (under รบ100) training seminars in the United Kingdom entitled "The Delphi Workout". Sessions will be held in London and Manchester on March 19th and 20th. For more information, you can check here, or go to their web site.
There is also now a non-frames version of the UNDU site.
February 19th, 1998
Many of you have sent me emails about the structure of the site, particularly the way the frames work so I have made some changes in this area. Also, note that for a while many of the links in the issues of UNDU will be wrong, as they are still pointing to the site. I will be correcting these as time goes on, so please bear with me.
February 17th, 1998
Some updated links in Tips & Tricks and Index of Articles.
February 16th, 1998
Welcome to the new site for The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users! It has taken me a while to get this arranged, and I appreciate everyone's patience. Over the next week or so, I will be getting this site up to speed and also posting issue #25. As you can see, I am arranging things a bit differently here...
The Delphi News link will take you here to this page. This is where I will be reporting on Delphi-related events, product announcements, you name it. If it is happening in the Delphi world, I will try to report it here. I will attempt to report something every day or two, as it becomes available. If you have a new Delphi-related product, why don't you let me know about it?
The Current Issue link will take you to the latest issue of The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users. This site uses Frames to display the issue, so for the time being your browser will need to be frames-capable (IE and Netscape both are). The Past Issue link will show you all the issues of UNDU that have been published. The Downloadable UNDU Issues link will show you all the downloadable issues of UNDU. Here, you can download them as Windows HLP files.
The Tips & Tricks link will show you just the tips and tricks articles from all back issues. This is a work in progress at this point, so it will become more complete as time goes on. The Articles & Reviews link will show you a list of all the other (non tips and tricks) articles from past issues of UNDU. Finally, for a list of Delphi User Groups (at least those who have let me know they exist), check out the Delphi User Groups link.
Make sure you check the UNDU site for all your Delphi-related needs!
Do you have comments? Feel free to email me!