Downloadable UNDU Issues

Since issue #1 in March of 1995, all issues of The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users has been published as Windows Help files. Below are links to each of these files so you can download them individually, or all at once. To speed downloading time, I have Zipped them, so you will need PKUNZIP or an equivalent program to decompress them. If you don't have a ZIP compatible program, you can download just the HLP file.

When you unzip them, I suggest that you put all issues in a single directory. Many of the files have links to other issues and if they are all present together, they will behave normally. Most of the later issues in ZIP file format also have a contents file (*.CNT) which is used to by the Windows help system to display a complete list of all issues available.

Effective January, 1998 - I will no longer be arranging UNDU as "issues", but rather as individual articles that will be posted on the UNDU web site every few days. At some time in the future, I may start packaging these articles as downloadable WinHelp files, but I am not promising anything at this point.

Issue # - Month of Release

Zip File

HLP File

Issue #24 - December '97



Issue #23 - September '97



Issue #22 - June '97



Issue #21 - May '97



Issue #20 - March '97



Issue #19 - January '97



Issue #18 - November '96



Issue #17 - October '96



Issue #16 - September '96



Issue #15 - August '96



Issue #14 - June '96



Issue #13 - May '96



Issue #12 - February '96



Issue #11 - January '96



Issue #10 - December '95



Issue #9 - November '95



Issue #8 - October '95



Issue #7 - August '95



Issue #6 - July '95



Issue #5 - June '95



Issue #4 - May '95 (b)



Issue #3 - May '95 (a)



Issue #2 - April '95



Issue #1 - March '95

