
Adjusting Colors



Where is this Option? PAGE => DETAILS DETAILS
Splash! places the following information in the HTML source code of each page of your website, much of it is invisible to the user unless they choose to look at your websites source code or are using a browser which specifically seeks out this information.

    Page Title

    Each web page is identified by a title. This option allows you to set a title for each page. Since this option displays the information at the top of the browser, it is advised that the title is reflective of the page.

    Page Filename

    The pages that are contained in Splash!, when exported will be exported using this name. Splash! doesn't know if you have a duplicate file name, so it is advised to leave the default that Splash! creates, or choose your names carefully. For example an order page might be called order.html.

    Page Description

    Each page can also have its own description. This allows the people looking at the page, to see what it's all about. It may even help you to remember what an old page was!

    Page Keywords

    When publishing your pages on the internet, search engines help people find your web site. Hence, you can define a keyword that would be used to search for your page. When defining keywords, it is best to use words that are obvious. For example, what business are you in? What does your company or yourself offer that people might have a use for? The list of these are endless, and there is no guarantee that your page will be high on the list. It all depends on your keywords.

    Page Creator's Name

    This helps identify the person who created this page. Although it is an option that can be set as a default, you may have one page that you did not create. You can change this specifically for each individual page.

    Page Creator's Email

    This identifies the page creators email, and can be set as default. But it also may be changed just for an individual page.

    Page Copyright

    Again, as for the creator's name and E-mail, you can change the Page Copyright. This can be set as a default, but this option will allow you to change just one specific page only.

    Append Splash! Logo

    If you are proud of what you used to create your home page with, and we hope you are, it would be nice to show others what you used to create your masterpiece with.


Each page within Splash! can have its own definable colors, the listed options are the choices available for making your page look just right. Each option has a default color, but these may be changed to accommodate the page or your own tastes.

    Text Color

    This sets the color of all the text on your page that is not a link or has not been otherwise formatted within the text window.

    Link Color

    This is the color of a link that has not been visited yet. In some browsers this will also appear with an underline. In Splash! it WILL appear with an underline.

    Visited Link Color

    If you have previously visited a particular link, then the link can be displayed with a different color.

    Active Link Color

    This option sets the color of an active link. An active link color will appear whilst the mouse is over the link and the left mouse button is clicked.

    Apply to entire project

    Applies the selected colors to the entire project. Each page will now have the colors selected from the above options.

    Restore Default Colors

    If you decide you don't like the look of the new colors, or you made a mistake, this will restore the colors back to what they were originally.

    Make these settings Default

    If you have a style you use often the selected colors can be made default, so that any new page will be created with your choice of colors every time.

    Restore Factory Default

    Restores the colors back to what Splash! uses as the default and what is widely considered the internet standard color scheme.


Where is this Option? PAGE => PAGE STATISTICS
The page statistics are a guide to help you judge how quickly your page will download for visitors. The guide would help you if the page was graphically intensive. So that if you think it should be quicker, then you can go back and look at reducing the content. This can be done by removing images altogether, or simply reducing them in size (but not resizing them form within splash, as this does not reduce the image file size) using a graphic editor to modify the image.


Where is this Option? PAGE => BACKGROUND
Each web page can have its own background image. This option will allow you to load an image and to apply it to the page. If you have already created a number of pages, you can apply the background to the entire project. You don't need to have a background image, a color can be applied instead and is done in the same fashion. If you like this image, and would like to use it over and over again, then you can make it the default so that any time a new page is created, the image/color will be applied automatically.


Where is this Option? PAGE => MARGIN
This feature allows you to off-set the page to a definable degree from the left hand side of the viewing area. What it does is simply push everything to the right, and helps prevent your page from being jammed up against the side.


Where is this Option? PAGE => GOTO
There are a few ways you can navigate through pages in Splash!. This option allows you choose which page you wish to go to. Another way to navigate is by using the < or the > to advance or go back a page.


Where is this Option? PAGE => NEW
You don't have to limit your web site to just one page. You can have as many as you like, selecting this will create a new blank page in your project.


Where is this Option? PAGE => CLEAR
This will clear the current page of all objects. Be careful with this one, you don't want to lose any hard work. This feature will not remove any background picture, or color.


Where is this Option? PAGE => DELETE
Again, another feature to be used with care. This will completely remove the current page from the project. You can not delete the first page of a document.


Where is this Option? PAGE => VIEW HTML SOURCE
This menu option allows you to view the HTML code in its raw format. This can be handy for the more experienced HTML user.


Where is this Option? PAGE => RELOAD
There are times when working on pages, things on-screen will not always update visually. This can occur if you have loaded an image into splash and then altered it with a graphics package. Rather than reloading Splash!, you can use this menu option.


Where is this Option? PAGE => COPY THIS PAGE TO NEW PAGE
Sometimes when creating pages, you may want multiple pages to use the same style. This option will create a new page, and copy the entire contents of the current page into this newly created page. Basically, an exact duplicate to make minimal changes easy.