
Adjusting Colors

Inserting Objects

Most things that you will be dealing with in Splash! are referred to as objects. Objects can be joined, edited and placed anywhere on your page. The following objects will make up most web pages.


Where is this Option? INSERT => TEXT
Text objects are objects that contain any form of text. These objects can be of any size and may contain links. Text objects can be placed on their own or be grouped with other objects, and even be inserted into tables. For more information on Text Objects go to Text


Where is this Option? INSERT => IMAGE
Image objects contain images only, and can be placed on their own or even be linked with other objects as well as being placed into tables. For more information on image objects go to images


Where is this Option? INSERT => ANCHOR
Anchors are used to jump to specific locations on a page. This saves the user from having to manually scroll down the page to the specific location. For more information on anchors see Linking within this page


Where is this Option? INSERT => HEADING
Headings are an easy way to define areas of your web page. Use this option to place a heading on your page. For more information see headings


Where is this Option? INSERT => LINE
Lines can be used to separate objects or just break up the page a little. Lines can be shaded (3D) or even of a user defined color. Note however, that you can not have shading in addition to coloring. For more information see lines


Where is this Option? INSERT => TABLE
Tables are for grouping objects together in an organized fashion. Or they could be used to keep other objects in their place. For more information see tables


Where is this Option? INSERT => FORM OBJECTS
Forms are objects that contain information such as Text Comments, radio buttons, check boxes, pull down lists etc. For more information see forms


Where is this Option? INSERT => LIST
A list can be made up of several objects. They can be a list of organized text objects, image objects, even tables. A list will start as a small box, to add objects to the list the white cross hair should be placed underneath the lowest bullet point. The list will change its size to accommodate the largest object. If you are using a numeric list or an alphanumeric list you can place the starting number or letter in the field provided. Their are several styles that the list bullet points can take:


    By clicking on the Numbers button the list will revert to a numbered list.


    By clicking on either the Lower or Upper buttons the list will revert to lower case lettering or upper case lettering respectively.


    You can set the points to graphical points if you wish, by selecting the disc, circle or square buttons.


Where is this Option? INSERT => STAMPS (DATE/SPLASH!)
Another special type of object, the two different style of stamps are Date and Splash!.


    The date is used so people viewing your web page can tell when you last updated the page. This type of object is normally displayed at the bottom of a page, to indicate the date this page was last updated.


    This stamp is used to show people what you used to create the page with. Usually handy for those who would like to show off what they used to create their web pages.


Where is this Option? INSERT => USER CODE
If you want to include something in your page that Splash! doesn't yet allow you to do with a wizard then you should do two things. First, check out our FAQ on our website, someone may have asked about it before, if not let us know and we'll consider adding it to our next version of Splash! Web Authoring. Secondly, you may need to (or want to) develop your own HTML code and add it to your page. User code will allow you the flexibility to add code and position it on the page of your choice. A good example of how user code might help is included in our tutorials (if you don't have them you can download them from the Splash! Home Page.