Troubleshooting on-demand scan

By default Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal scans on demand all objects stored on your hard drive using settings recommended by Kaspersky Labs experts.
In addition to selecting the anti-virus protection level and customizing program actions to be performed upon the detection of an infected object, you can, as with real-time protection, configure additional scan parameters for all levels that help you reduce the number of objects to be scanned.

Additional scan parameters can be configured for all full scan levels (Maximum Protection, Recommended and High Speed).
Additional scan parameters can be accessed from the Troubleshooting dialog box. You can open this dialog box by clicking the Troubleshooting link in the On-Demand Scan settings dialog box .
Specifying exclusions from the scope of the on-demand scan
Here you can exclude objects from the scan scope by marking them with a flag or selecting folders or files (using file masks) that you wish to exclude from the scan scope similarly to the method used to specify exclusions from the real-time protection scope.
We recommend that you do not exclude logical disks with file systems created using the subst command. This will not have any effect because Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal recognizes this logical disk as a folder, and therefore scans it.
In order to restore the settings recommended for any level, click apply default recommended settings in the right section of the Settings tab or in the comments on the real-time protection status in the Protection tab.

Kaspersky Labs Ltd.

