Downloading updates from the Internet

Kaspersky Labs update the anti-virus database residing on the update servers every three hours.
Kaspersky Labs update servers are websites where Kaspersky Labs keep and update the anti-virus database.
In order to ensure that your anti-virus database is always updated from the Kaspersky Labs Internet update servers, you must apply the settings described in the instructions below:
  1. Follow the Configure Updater link in the left part of the Settings tab.
  2. When a dialog box Updater settings opens, select one of the following types of updating from the Update type drop-down list:
    • from Internet, standard databases - anti-virus database that allows you to detect all currently existing malware and disinfect objects and data infected with such malware.
    • from Internet, extended databases - standard database and additional database that allows you to detect programs giving intruders remote access to your data.

The standard anti-virus database alone is able to ensure efficient anti-virus protection of your computer. Using extended database may affect the speed of the program operation.
  1. If you use a Dial-up Internet connection and you do not want Kaspersky Anti-Virus to interrupt the update process if you temporarily disconnect from the Internet, check the box Wait for Dial-up network connection.
This setting is used only for automatic scheduled anti-virus database update!
  1. Press ОК.
The Updater Settings dialog box

Your Internet connection settings will be copied from the MS Internet Explorer settings. In order to view and/or modify these settings, select StartαSettingsαControl PanelαInternet OptionsαConnections.

See also:

Downloading updates from a local folder

Updating Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal program modules

Updater settings. Scheduled updates

On-demand updates. Updates downloading process

Kaspersky Labs Ltd.

