Downloading updates

Kaspersky Labs offers its users the ability to update the Kaspersky Anti-Virus program modules and the anti-virus database used by the program to detect malware and disinfect infected objects.

Timely updating of the anti-virus database ensures the safety of your computer. Hundreds of new viruses appear daily, and every day Kaspersky Anti-Virus experts update our anti-virus database with the latest information about these new threats. We recommend that you update your anti-virus database at least once every 12 hours; during the periods of virus outbreaks the anti-virus database should be updated as frequently as possible, preferably at least once every 3 hours.
To download the updates, Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal connects to one of the Kaspersky Labs update servers accessible via the Internet or copies the required files from a local folder in your computer depending on the settings (for details see below).
Updates can be downloaded on demand or automatically (scheduled update). In order to download updates, your computer must be connected to the Internet. Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal copies the updates from remote update servers and installs the necessary files on your computer.

See also:

When should you download updates

Downloading updates from the Internet

Downloading updates from a local folder

Updating Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal program modules

Updater settings. Scheduled updates

On-demand updates. Updates downloading process

Kaspersky Labs Ltd.

