Main application window: general structure
The main application window of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Personal is designed so that you can take full advantage of all anti-virus protection capabilities provided by the program. From the main application window, you can perform the following functions:
- configure anti-virus protection settings;
- start and stop a scan of the entire system or specified disks, folders or files for viruses and other malware;
- download anti-virus database and program modules updates;
- set up a scheduled full scan and update;
- manage quarantined objects;
- manage reports, etc.
All anti-virus protection settings along with the required information and specific tasks are accessible from the following tabs of the main window:
- Protection tab - a main application window tab that displays the anti-virus tasks and their status. This tab is the main component of the program interface.
- Settings tab - a main application window tab that displays the tasks used to define settings of the anti-virus protection and their status.
- Support tab - a tab that displays contact information that you can use if you have questions or decide to contact Kaspersky Labs to get help.
Each tab has two sections as follows:For example, the Protection tab offers a variety of tasks related to anti-virus scanning. The Settings tab includes controls used to adjust settings for these tasks. The Support tab includes controls related to the support of your anti-virus protection.Thus, for instance, the Protection tab displays the status of your anti-virus protection, the Settings tab displays the status of the current program settings and the Support tab displays the license status (license key information), and support contact information along with information about the program and your system.Three statuses of anti-virus protection are displayed in the Protection and the Settings tabs and are indicated by the following icons:The status information is displayed in the following order: the real-time protection status will be displayed first, followed by the on-demand scan status, and, finally, the status of the anti-virus database validity.Each status described above is provided with comments and recommendations. Thus, for example, if the current anti-virus protection level does not match the recommended level, you will be offered the opportunity to restore the recommended settings to ensure the optimal protection level.
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