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Image backups and reverting to originals

FotoAlbum Pro automatically creates a backup of image the first time any modification is done within FotoAlbum. This includes rotations, flipping and EXIF updating. This ensures that you can not lose an original file by performing editing operations.

These original files can be considered to be like "negatives" of traditional photography. If you make several modifications to an image, only the first time you modify it will a backup be created. If an image has a backup file, the "Revert to Original" option will be enabled. If you revert to the original, FotoAlbum will a) replace the existing changed image with the original backup and b) remove the backup file. You should only revert to the original if you intend to lose the changes you have made to the image.

The backup files are all stored in a single folder "<PicDir>\OrigImages".

See Also

File Management (Folders And Pictures)

Where FotoAlbum Saves Pictures

Albums vs Folders

Exporting Pictures

Detecting and removing duplicate files

Index Files And Backups

Folder Operations (Add, Delete, Rename and Move)

Deleting Pictures

Regenerating Individual Thumbnails

Index Maintenance

Index File Backups

Command-Line Options