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Index File Backups

FotoAlbum automatically keeps copies of your Index File. To learn more about the Index File, refer to the Index File and backups section. You can control whether FotoAlbum makes these backup files and how often. To access the settings for auto-backups, choose the "File->Maintenance Tasks->Index File Backups".

Maintain Backup File: If this is checked, FotoAlbum will use the following settings to determine how often (and how many) backups to make.

How Often: This determines how many days must pass between backups. This is the MINIMUM number of days that must pass before FotoAlbum will create a backup file. The actual copy will occur the next time you run FotoAlbum.

How many: This controls how many actual backup files will be kept. FotoAlbum will automatically remove the oldest file(s) to ensure no more than this number of backups are kept.

List of backups: This list displays all backup files. You can choose to restore one of these by clicking on an entry and pressing the "Restore" button. You should be careful choosing this option. You will lose any changes you made since that date.

Remove: You can remove any prior backups without affecting the current state of FotoAlbum. These are only necessary if you later want to restore from them. You can remove them by selecting the file(s) and pressing the "Remove" button. You can also remove them using Windows Explorer.

Remove All: This button allows you to remove all previous backup files. Use this option if the backup files are no longer needed.

See Also

File Management (Folders And Pictures)

Where FotoAlbum Saves Pictures

Albums vs Folders

Exporting Pictures

Detecting and removing duplicate files

Image backups and reverting to originals

Index Files And Backups

Folder Operations (Add, Delete, Rename and Move)

Deleting Pictures

Regenerating Individual Thumbnails

Index Maintenance

Command-Line Options