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Regenerating Individual Thumbnails

FotoAlbum automatically detects changes made to any picture file within your picture folder. When FotoAlbum detects a change to a picture, it regenerates the thumbnail and will update the FotoTime website the next time you sync.

However, occasionally, it may be necessary to regenerate a thumbnail. To force FotoAlbum to regenerate individual thumbnail(s), you should:

  1. Select the picture(s) you want to regenerate thumbnails
  2. Use the "Edit->Regen Thumbnails" main menu option (or CTRL-ALT-U).

Note: You should not do this unnecessarily as it wastes space in your thumbnail file. If you want to regenerate all your thumbnails and compress your thumbnail file, refer to the Regenerating All Thumbnails section.

See Also

File Management (Folders And Pictures)

Where FotoAlbum Saves Pictures

Albums vs Folders

Exporting Pictures

Detecting and removing duplicate files

Image backups and reverting to originals

Index Files And Backups

Folder Operations (Add, Delete, Rename and Move)

Deleting Pictures

Index Maintenance

Index File Backups

Command-Line Options