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Where FotoAlbum Saves Pictures

FotoAlbum automatically adds pictures to specific folders whenever you add a picture to an album (assuming the picture does not already exist in the picture folder).

One primary objective of FotoAlbum is to eliminate the need to worry about folders and filenames without forcing you to take a particular naming strategy. While you are free to name and organize your pictures within the picture folder however you want, FotoAlbum allows you to forget the hassles of dealing with the underlying files.

A picture is never duplicated within the picture folder. If you add a picture to several albums, it merely makes links to the picture without duplicating it. However, if you add a picture to the All view or an album from a camera or scanner, it will copy it inside your picture folder.

The default location it will add new pictures to is a sub-folder with a name of "Pics_xxxx" where xxxx is the year the picture was added to the album. For example, if you had pictures you added from your scanner in 1999 and in 2000, then you would have a picture folder with sub-folders of pics_1999 and pics_2000. These folders would contain the pictures you added in the years 1999 and 2000 respectively.

You can change this default behavior by changing the file locations preference. This preference is used when adding pictures from the Explorer view or when dragging pictures directly into albums from Windows Explorer. You can place all the pictures in a single folder or have FotoAlbum automatically create sub-folders based upon several criteria (Any part of the picture date/time or the filename).

In addition, each scanner or camera (Twain or removable device) has its own setting for file locations. Refer to: Twain Device Properties or Removable Device Properties to determine how to set the file saving options for each device.

It does not matter where your pictures are located in your picture folder (or what they are named). The organization of pictures into albums and groups, as well as captions are stored independent of the picture. In addition, FotoAlbum is able to detect when a file has been moved and re-link the picture to its new location. If you move pictures within your picture folder using Windows Explorer, FotoAlbum will not lose your captions/grouping.

See Also

File Management (Folders And Pictures)

Albums vs Folders

Exporting Pictures

Detecting and removing duplicate files

Image backups and reverting to originals

Index Files And Backups

Folder Operations (Add, Delete, Rename and Move)

Deleting Pictures

Regenerating Individual Thumbnails

Index Maintenance

Index File Backups

Command-Line Options