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Updating EXIF data

The embedded data within images is not automatically updated when you change captions or picture dates. FotoAlbum provides a "Update EXIF" option that can be used on one or multiple images to update the EXIF data. The two values that will be updated are the picture date/time and the caption. If either of these values are not consistent, then the image will be re-written with the updated EXIF values.

You can select a single image, just ones in a specific album, or your entire collection and use the "Update EXIF" option. When the operation is complete, it will indicate the number of images that it had to modify. In addition, it can copy the list of images it modified to the clipboard so you can determine which files were changed.

It is a good ideal to perform this operation on all of your images periodically to ensure that any captions or dates you have entered will not get lost. By updating the EXIF and backing up your images, you ensure that work you have done will follow the images wherever they may be copied.

See Also

Embedded picture data (EXIF)

What is embedded picture data (EXIF) ?

Data that is imported (extracted) from EXIF

Lossless operations on images

Issues with updating EXIF