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Data that is imported (extracted) from EXIF

FotoAlbum can display all of the different types of Metadata that can be stored within images. While EXIF is the most prominent, FotoAlbum can also display: IPTC, APP12, CIFF, and FlashPix.

FotoAlbum auto-extracts the picture date and caption from images. The picture date is extracted from one of several EXIF tags depending on what values are present. In addition, picture dates are also extracted from the other formats automatically.

If a caption has been saved in an image using the Image Description tag, it will be automatically extracted into FotoAlbum. This auto-extraction will only occur if a caption has not already been entered (FotoAlbum will not replace an existing caption).

See Also

Embedded picture data (EXIF)

What is embedded picture data (EXIF) ?

Lossless operations on images

Updating EXIF data

Issues with updating EXIF