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Sync Preferences

The Sync Preferences are used to override the default behavior of how FotoAlbum connects and syncs to the FotoTime site.

FotoAlbum automatically detects your default web browser and determines the proxy settings from your browser. If your default browser is Netscape or Internet Explorer, it should be able to detect the proxy settings. If however, your PC does not have a default browser defined and/or you use another browser, you may have to define your proxy settings.

Prefs: Sync

Use default browser: This is the default and auto-configures the proxy based upon your default browser.

Do not use a proxy: Override the auto-detect feature and force FotoAlbum to NOT use a proxy.

Use manual proxy settings: Forces FotoAlbum to use the proxy settings in the host/port fields.

Number of Retries: The maximum number of times FotoAlbum will try to re-send a file before error'ing out. This is the number of attempts AFTER the initial attempt. Making this value large (over 5) can cause long delays before FotoAlbum will error out if you have Internet connection problems. FotoAlbum pauses 5 seconds between each attempt.

Reduce picture on web (JPEG): This controls whether pictures are converted to JPEG, compressed and/or shrunk in size when uploaded to the FotoTime website. Under no conditions does this cause the original images on your PC to be modified.

Backup any modified pictures: If a picture is modified on the website and retrieved to your PC as part of a sync, this option will ensure a backup of the original is made before overwriting.

Verify FotoAlbum is latest version: During the sync process, FotoAlbum checks to see if there are any updates. If a newer version of FotoAlbum exists, it will prompt you to upgrade to that release. If you uncheck this option, FotoAlbum will not inform you of any newer versions. You can always use the "Help->Check for FotoAlbum updates" at any time.

Display additional tooltip information: This allows you to see exactly what caused FotoAlbum to determine where a change should be made. The FotoSync Wizard displays details on what is going to happen before you apply the changes. This option displays additional information in the tooltips of each picture that is being changed.

Auto-select PC updates: If this option is checked, then anytime you sync, FotoAlbum will assume you want to apply any PC updates. Uncheck this option if you generally do not want to update the PC with changes on the web. You can always override the default chosen when you perform the sync by checking/unchecking the Apply PC changes option.

Auto-select web updates: If this option is checked, then anytime you sync, FotoAlbum will assume you want to apply any web updates. Uncheck this option if you generally do not want to update the web with changes made on your PC. You can always override the default chosen when you perform the sync by checking/unchecking the Apply web changes option.

See Also


General Preferences

File Location Preferences

Filename and Folder Format Codes

Tool Preferences

Screen Saver Preferences

Full Screen Preferences

E-Mail Preferences

CD/DVD Preferences