Display only in selected album/group: This preference controls the overall display logic in FotoAlbum and the FotoTime website. If this is checked then FotoAlbum displays only pictures in the current group (i.e. non-recursive). If this is unchecked (default), then albums are displayed recursively (all pictures are displayed in a group, including sub-groups).
Auto save layout: This option controls whether the layout of menus and toolbars is saved when you exit FotoAlbum. You can restore the default FotoAlbum layout by using the "File->Maintenance Tasks->Restore Default Layout" option.
Display Album/Group Descriptions: If checked, the description of the currently selected album or group will be displayed above the thumbnails. You can edit the description by clicking on it.
Lock toolbars: This option controls whether the layout of menus and toolbars is locked. If unchecked, you can drag around toolbars and menus.
Display existing archived files: If checked, then images that are archived but still exist on your system will be displayed. Generally it is useful to leave this checked.
Display deleted archived files: This option allows you to view the thumbnails for images that have been archived, but no longer exist on your system. If you attempt to view one of these images, FotoAlbum will prompt for you to insert the archive to restore the image.
Show status bar: This controls the display of the status bar (at the bottom of the screen). You can also use the <CTRL><Z> shortcut to toggle the display of the status bar.
Last selected picture: If chosen, the status bar will display information about the last picture that was selected (clicked on).
Picture with mouse over: If this option is chosen, then the status bar will show information in the status bar about the picture the cursor is currently over.
Save interval (secs): The number of seconds that FotoAlbum auto-saves your index files (only if you make changes).
Thumbnail cache size: This controls the maximum amount of RAM that will be used by FotoAlbum for thumbnail caching when running. It does not affect the amount of disk space that will be used for the saving of thumbnails. You may want to adjust this depending on other applications that may be running or the overall amount of RAM that is available.
Display with Tooltips (Captions, filename, etc.): These options allow control over what is displayed in the tooltip when you pause the mouse over a thumbnail. Any or all of these may be combined to control exactly what is displayed in the tooltip.
Display splash screen: If this is checked, the splash screen displays on startup.
Warn if running in 256 color mode: Warns you on startup if running with your graphics mode set to 256 colors or less.
Start full-screen: If this is checked, then FotoAlbum will always start full-screen. If unchecked, then it will start in the same size and position when you last exited.
Display videos using default viewer: If this is checked, videos will be played using the default viewer associated with the file type (extension). If unchecked, FotoAlbum will display the video in the full screen viewer (if the proper Codecs are installed).
Build thumbnail from first frame: If this is checked, then FotoAlbum will attempt to build a thumbnail from videos by grabbing the first frame (you can choose a different frame from the picture properties dialog). This requires the proper Codecs and/or QuickTime to be installed.
Auto start video preview: If this is checked, then videos will automatically start playing in the preview window when the thumbnail is selected. Otherwise, you must use manually start the video to play it.