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Screen Saver Preferences

The screen saver preferences are used to control what pictures are displayed if the FotoAlbum screen saver is used. To start using the FotoAlbum screen saver, refer to Screen Saver.

This screen is used in conjunction with the Windows Display settings dialog to configure the screen saver. The Windows Display settings is used to decide to use the FotoAlbum screen saver, while the preferences screen within FotoAlbum is used to determine what pictures are used and how they are displayed.

Album or Group selection: The FotoAlbum screen saver will cycle through all pictures in the current picture folder. If you wish to display a subset of pictures, then click on the album or group you want to display.

Average colors when resizing: If this is checked then an pixel averaging algorithm will be used when a picture is resized. This generally improves the appearance by eliminating "pixelation".

Display in random order: If this is checked then all pictures are randomly displayed. Otherwise, it displays the pictures in the order they are displayed in FotoAlbum.

Delay: This controls how long the screen saver pauses between pictures. Short delays can cause display problems depending upon your system.

Use Transitions: If this is checked, then the screen saver will use the chosen transition effect between each picture.

Effect: This controls which transition effect is used between pictures.

Delay: The amount of time the transition will take (0=fastest transition, 10=slowest transition).

Dissolve Prior Image: If checked, the prior image will "dissolve" away before the transition starts. The time required for the dissolve is in addition to the transition effect time.

See Also


General Preferences

File Location Preferences

Filename and Folder Format Codes

Tool Preferences

Full Screen Preferences

Sync Preferences

E-Mail Preferences

CD/DVD Preferences