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Full Screen Preferences

The Full Screen Preferences are used to control how the Full Screen Viewer behaves. The Full Screen viewer is displayed when you double-click on a thumbnail. The Full Screen Viewer cycles between all selected pictures (or all visible pictures if only one picture is selected).

Initial Size: This controls the initial size images are displayed. Once images are zoomed in/out, the current zoom ratio will stay in effect until the full screen viewer is closed.

Max. scaling factor %: This controls the maximum FotoAlbum will "stretch" a picture to try and fit the screen. This is only used when a picture is smaller than the screen and stretching may distort the look of the picture. 100% means no stretching will occur. The default is 200%.

Background color: The color displayed "behind" or around a picture.

Display Thumbnails: Whether the thumbnail bar is displayed by default. You can toggle the display of toolbar while viewing a picture full screen by using the <CTRL><T> shortcut.

Display captions: Whether the caption bar is displayed by default. You can also toggle the display of captions while in Full Screen mode by using the <CTRL><N> shortcut.

Display status bar: Controls whether the status bar is displayed. The status bar can also be toggled by using the <CTRL><Z> shortcut.

Average Colors: This option (if checked) performs a pixel averaging algorithm whenever images are resized. The effect of enabling this option is that images appear "smoother" but may take slightly longer to display.

Mouse wheel: This allows you to determine what the mouse wheel does when scrolled on the full screen viewer. You can make it either scroll between pictures or zoom in/out. Whatever option is chosen, holding down the shift key while scrolling the mouse wheel will perform the other choice.

Use Transitions: If this is checked, then the screen saver will use the chosen transition effect between each picture.

Effect: This controls which transition effect is used between pictures.

Delay: The amount of time the transition will take (0=fastest transition, 10=slowest transition).

Dissolve Prior Image: If checked, the prior image will "dissolve" away before the transition starts. The time required for the dissolve is in addition to the transition effect time.

Display Loading..: This controls whether FotoAlbum displays a little message "Loading.." on the screen whenever an image is being loaded.

Slide show delay: The number of seconds to pause between pictures when you start the slide show.

Cycle slide show: If this is checked, the slide show will run continuously (loop around). Otherwise it stops when it reaches the last picture.

See Also


General Preferences

File Location Preferences

Filename and Folder Format Codes

Tool Preferences

Screen Saver Preferences

Sync Preferences

E-Mail Preferences

CD/DVD Preferences