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/ Loadstar 245 / 245.d81

Jump To: Archive (20)  |  Image (32)  |  Music (14)  |  Document (18)  |  Text (34)  |  Unknown (34)

Archives (20)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
b.vdot Packed C64 PRG 1  22.2 KB 2004-01-01
cd.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1  11.7 KB 2004-01-01
clips.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1  14.6 KB 2004-01-01
clipsa.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1  14.6 KB 2004-01-01
copier Packed C64 PRG 1   4.8 KB 2004-01-01
cover.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1   3.2 KB 2004-01-01
enh.sidplayer Packed C64 PRG 1   6.8 KB 2004-01-01
g.b.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1   4.1 KB 2004-01-01
guerilla Packed C64 PRG 1   2.7 KB 2004-01-01
hints.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1  14.2 KB 2004-01-01
letter.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1   7.3 KB 2004-01-01
loadstar reader Packed C64 PRG 1  10.0 KB 2004-01-01
loco.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1  17.2 KB 2004-01-01
m.l Packed C64 PRG 1   6.4 KB 2004-01-01
phobia.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1   5.4 KB 2004-01-01
phobia1 Packed C64 PRG 1   4.8 KB 2004-01-01
presenter Packed C64 PRG 1  15.9 KB 2004-01-01
s.l Packed C64 PRG 1   3.9 KB 2004-01-01
snap.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1   4.5 KB 2004-01-01
sudoku.pkd Packed C64 PRG 1  15.9 KB 2004-01-01

Images (32)
01.shp02.shp03.shp04.shp05.shp06.shp07.shp08.shp09.shp10.shp11.shp12.shp13.shp14.shp15.shp16.shp17.shp18.shp19.shp20.shp21.shp22.shp23.shparmadale.SHP.shpcolladen.gif.shpcommandos.shpdonnan.shpdonnanbridge.shpdriving.shpfiles on side 1ftwillch.shpglenfinnan.shp

Music (14)
evening.mus Commodore SID Music File 2m23s   1.8 KB 2004-01-01
fur elise.mus Commodore SID Music File 2m37s   3.4 KB 2004-01-01
hark my soul.mus Commodore SID Music File 1m25s   1.5 KB 2004-01-01
how kindly.mus Commodore SID Music File 1m17s   1.6 KB 2004-01-01
minuet in g.mus Commodore SID Music File 1m41s   2.2 KB 2004-01-01
moonlight 1.mus Commodore SID Music File 3m   2.8 KB 2004-01-01
moonlight 2.mus Commodore SID Music File 1m36s   2.3 KB 2004-01-01
moonlight 3a.mus Commodore SID Music File 3m   6.8 KB 2004-01-01
moonlight 3b.mus Commodore SID Music File 3m   6.8 KB 2004-01-01
ode to joy.mus Commodore SID Music File 52s  1017 b  2004-01-01
pathe mvt1.mus Commodore SID Music File 3m   3.9 KB 2004-01-01
pathetique 2.mus Commodore SID Music File 1m42s   1.2 KB 2004-01-01
the farewell.mus Commodore SID Music File 1m20s   1.1 KB 2004-01-01
viol sonata.mus Commodore SID Music File 3m   8.8 KB 2004-01-01

Document (18)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
b.corky Commodore BASIC   611 b  2004-01-01
b.dot Commodore BASIC   1.3 KB 2004-01-01
b.gpa hints Commodore BASIC   619 b  2004-01-01
b.guerilla Commodore BASIC   600 b  2004-01-01
b.king kong Commodore BASIC   928 b  2004-01-01
b.letter drop Commodore BASIC   557 b  2004-01-01
b.loco Commodore BASIC   592 b  2004-01-01
b.minotaur Commodore BASIC   1.2 KB 2004-01-01
b.phobia Commodore BASIC   595 b  2004-01-01
b.scotland Commodore BASIC   925 b  2004-01-01
b.snap Commodore BASIC   1.1 KB 2004-01-01
b.sudoku Commodore BASIC   600 b  2004-01-01
b.tea Commodore BASIC   592 b  2004-01-01
dot.dot Commodore BASIC   206 b  2004-01-01
env.addr Commodore BASIC  13.5 KB 2004-01-01
hello connect Commodore BASIC   730 b  2004-01-01
lsconnector Commodore BASIC   419 b  2004-01-01
star Commodore BASIC   1.6 KB 2004-01-01

Text (34)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
a Text File 4    77 b  2004-01-01
backup Text File 42   436 b  2004-01-01
clipshow Text File 148   1.6 KB 2004-01-01
scotland Text File 205   3.0 KB 2004-01-01
sd.11 Text File 21   187 b  2004-01-01
sd.12 Text File 21   187 b  2004-01-01
sd.13 Text File 21   187 b  2004-01-01
sd.14 Text File 21   187 b  2004-01-01
sudokupuz Text File 2     4 b  2004-01-01
t.bill Text File 240   6.9 KB 2004-01-01
t.chickenlips Text File 228   6.5 KB 2004-01-01
t.contents Text File 126   2.5 KB 2004-01-01
t.corky Text File 72   1.9 KB 2004-01-01
t.credits245 Text File 68   1.3 KB 2004-01-01
t.diskovery Text File 99   2.9 KB 2004-01-01
t.eniac Text File 424  11.5 KB 2004-01-01
t.gpa hints Text File 46   1.1 KB 2004-01-01
t.guerilla Text File 103   2.8 KB 2004-01-01
t.king kong Text File 118   3.3 KB 2004-01-01
t.label245 Text File 24   593 b  2004-01-01
t.letter drop Text File 83   2.1 KB 2004-01-01
t.loco Text File 139   3.8 KB 2004-01-01
t.minotaur Text File 140   3.9 KB 2004-01-01
t.phobia Text File 203   5.8 KB 2004-01-01
t.scotland Text File 30   709 b  2004-01-01
t.snap Text File 134   3.9 KB 2004-01-01
t.sudoku Text File 81   2.2 KB 2004-01-01
t.tea Text File 269   7.4 KB 2004-01-01
t.tutorial1 Text File 379   8.3 KB 2004-01-01
t.tutorial2 Text File 649  13.4 KB 2004-01-01
t.vdot Text File 8   104 b  2004-01-01
t.vocab Text File 108   2.7 KB 2004-01-01
temp Text File 4    77 b  2004-01-01
the farewell.wds Text File 26   545 b  2004-01-01

Unknown Files (34)
! Unknown   327 b  2004-01-01
dot.ml Unknown  11.5 KB 2004-01-01
evening.wds Unknown   470 b  2004-01-01
features Unknown   1.5 KB 2004-01-01
ld.tftd01 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd02 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd03 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd04 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd05 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd06 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd07 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd08 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd09 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd10 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd11 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd12 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd13 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd14 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd15 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd16 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd17 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd18 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd19 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd20 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd21 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd22 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd23 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd24 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd25 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ld.tftd26 Unknown   200 b  2004-01-01
ls settings Unknown    23 b  2004-01-01
multi ls spr Unknown   513 b  2004-01-01
music Unknown   1.4 KB 2004-01-01
sect Unknown    86 b  2004-01-01