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- By Guy Kewney, Newswireless.net
- 21st February 2006 15:56 GMT
- The Chickenhead company,
- Commodore, chose 3GSM to launch into
- the mobile games business as a
- distributor. So, what is a Chicken-
- head? It's the popular name for the
- Commodore logo. And why is that a
- "mobile media provider"? Ah, that's
- quite a story! - it goes like this...
- Refugee Jack Tramiel escapes the
- gas chambers, comes to New York and
- starts a typewriter business. He wants
- to call it IBM, or something like
- that, and decides CBM is as close as
- he can get. He calls it Commodore
- Business Machines. IBM typewriters
- are, of course, the market leaders at
- the time. Gradually, Tramiel gets into
- electronics and becomes a calculator
- pioneer.
- Tramiel finds himself caught up in
- the early microcomputer revolution,
- and releases the PET (Personal
- Electronic Transactor) in 1977. It's
- an integrated unit, with a keyboard,
- display, and audio tape drive. Sells
- for $600 or so, snapped up by the new
- geek generation (curiously, all male!)
- of personal computer enthusiasts,
- since rival products are around
- $3,000. With the cash, Tramiel
- launches the VIC-20 and then the
- Commodore 64 - both aimed at the games
- market.
- One of his biggest rivals in that
- market was Atari. When Tramiel fell
- out with the Commodore board in 1983,
- and they fired him (he resigned,
- whatever...) he revenged himself by
- setting up as his own rival.
- Putting his sons on the board, and
- developing the TOS (Tramiel Operating
- System), he inspired the very
- successful Atari ST home/business
- range. Commodore responded by
- launching the even better Amiga, which
- was the ultimate games machine, but
- eventually, both companies ended up
- producing IBM PC clones (there was a
- very nasty dispute about who owned the
- Amiga chips, because Jack did a deal
- with the designers, but they took the
- view he'd been wearing his Commodore
- hat when they signed).
- Commodore went bust 1994, and was
- successively examined by a procession
- of prospective buyers, all prime
- candidates for "titsup of the year",
- starting with Escom in Germany, before
- Tulip acquired it. Tulip did nothing
- with it until 2004 when it tried to
- rival the iPod by branding the fPET
- range with the Commodore name.
- Last year, Yeahronimo bought the
- name, and now, it's using it to "get
- into mobile media content" as
- Commodore Gaming.
- Will this finally succeed? "The
- new Commodore wants to connect the
- stylish age to innovative, basic but
- beautiful futuristic design concepts
- which are active and interactive..."
- said the corporate pointy-haired boss.
- "These products enable us to deliver a
- comprehensive digital media solution
- to our customers..."
- Not good, not encouraging. What
- about the business?
- A quick check of its announcements
- recently shows it is mainly concerned
- with mergers and acquisitions. There's
- no information at all on the
- "financials page" from which you could
- glean an understanding of what it
- sells, or to whom - apart from the
- helpful pointer to Nasdaq - which
- shows the stock price, but otherwise
- says: "There is no annual fundamental
- data for this company."
- Doesn't sound like a big "Yes! A
- Winner!" Really...
- [DAVE'S COMMENTS:] Somewhere -- many
- wheres -- there are eight guys and
- gals in a small conference room. They
- know two things:
- 1. Two of them will be fired at
- Christmas, just like two of them
- were hired last January.
- 2. Their somewhat overpaid jobs
- depend on appearing productive.
- Appearance is all that matters,
- because these guys and gals are
- responsible for launching new techno
- gadgets into the commercial consumer
- electronics malestrom. One such
- gimcrack will hit it big, make their
- company a zillion dollars, and earn
- these marketeers a bonus, a raise, and
- a promotion to a truly overpaid
- position.
- The downside, the downside that
- keeps these eight people awake at
- night and plays hob with their sex
- lives, is that a hundred other
- companies have eight guys and gals
- doing exactly the same thing for
- exactly the same reason. Ten of these
- ventures will not be fiascos. Twenty
- will not be total failures. The rest
- will wind up in the electronics
- clearance catalogs at bargain prices.
- And two of the eight will be on
- the street at Christmas. Which two?
- The two that cause problems, ask fool
- questions, and generally use their
- noggins. They will cause problems by
- doing research that does not support
- the current thinking of the group.
- They will ask questions like, "Is the
- Commodore Brand [realy] worth $20
- Million? They will have this strange
- notion that consumers are real people,
- not sheep, who buy things because of
- what is inside, not the label on the
- outside.
- So -- what would you do? I, for
- one, would find a different like of
- work, one that is somewhat underpaid
- but has an iron-clad tenure policy
- (like being a clergy in the United
- Methodist Church). But I am probably
- the exception. The lure of money and
- power is tantalizing. And hey, six of
- us will be here next January. Right?
- The company statement above has
- all the right words in all the right
- places. It sounds well considered,
- even brainy. Until you dig through it
- looking for meaning. And there is
- none.
- The word "solution" is used. In
- fact, "solution" is about the only IT
- (Information Technology) term used in
- the entire mission statement. Help me!
- Anyone! What is a "solution!" In the
- world of computers, we have ideas, we
- have answers, we have elegant and
- kludge. But none of these really
- "solve" anything. Perhaps in business
- settings, where a certain system must
- accomplish some data manipulation
- before the company goes bust, a
- "solution" would be in order. But this
- company is connecting "stylish to
- innovative, basic but beautiful
- futuristic design concepts" ..ad
- nauseum, which might make an iPod that
- looks cool. But it will not SOLVE
- anyones problems.
- Except for maybe six of those
- eight guys and gals in that small
- conference room, whose "comprehensive
- digital media solution" is to have a
- job come Christmas.
- Jack Tramiel was an entrepreneur.
- He didn't need solutions. He needed a
- product to sell. He needed to blow TI
- out of the computer market. And he
- succeeded -- because he knew what he
- wanted.
- Irving Gould wanted Commodore to
- become a Fortune 500 company. He
- almost succeeded, but the cost was the
- company itself.
- And now flapocrats want the
- Chicken Lips to give them a
- comprehensive solution. It won't, no
- matter how much they tell each other
- it is so.
- So much for the real power of
- brand names and intellectual property
- rights.