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- Electricity. We take it for granted
- really. Turn on a light or a TV and there
- it is. But how often do we think about what
- it is or where it comes from.
- As an environmental hazardÿ electricity
- ranks well up there with CFCs and traffic
- pollution. Yet we consider it an essential
- part of the way we live our lives. Nowÿ I'm
- not saying stop using itÿ that's silly. But
- we should give it more thought.
- Our primary source of electricity is coal
- burning and just a moments thought will
- provide images of slag heapsÿ strip-mining
- and all of the other environmetal hazards
- that the extraction of oil and coal cause.
- So for this reason if no otherÿ we should
- make efforts to cut down on our usage of
- electrical energy. Lower the juiceÿ lower
- the demand for mines.
- But there is a more fundamental problem
- which I would like to address at this point.
- Privatisation.
- There was a timeÿ not so many moons agoÿ
- when all of Britains power was supplied by
- the Central Electricity Generating Board
- (CEGB). All went wellÿ until the advent of
- the Conservative idea of de-nationalisation.
- The idea was simple. Break the CEGB into
- regional boardsÿ make them responsible for
- their own affairs and let each one run
- itself as a private company. Cash for the
- Treasuryÿ quick profits for the stock market
- husslersÿ trouble for everyone.
- On the surfaceÿ it may seem like a good
- ideaÿ but underneath we see the problems for
- the environment that money causes:
- NUCLEAR POWER: I make myself unpopular
- in environmental circles by saying thisÿ but
- there is no disputing that nuclear energy is
- the most planet friendly means of power we
- can reasonably expect to use. They do not
- tear away at our land like mines doÿ nor do
- they throw noxious chemicals into the
- atmosphere as burning does.
- Grantedÿ they create toxic waste whichÿ
- at the moment we cannot dispose ofÿ but is
- pollution which will not become a problem
- for quite some time - and with the globe on
- the brink of eco-breakdown what we need is
- the time that nuclear power offers. Speech
- over.
- When the CEGB was a single entityÿ
- nuclear plants provided a reasonable (and
- increasing) share of our electricity needs.
- But now that it isn'tÿ these power plants
- are too expensive for regional boards to
- operateÿ and they are falling into declineÿ
- in favour of cheaper coal and oil burning
- generators.
- HEAT ELECTRIC: I also remember a time
- when the CEGB was government funded and was
- able to advise people on how to save
- electricity and use it more efficiently.
- Good PRÿ but also good ecology. But nowÿ of
- courseÿ each board is in it to make a
- profitÿ to avoid being swamped under. Power
- is now in the cut and thrust business of
- sellÿ sellÿ sell. Thus we see adverts
- telling us to by the latest appliancesÿ to
- Heatÿ Cookÿ Eat and even Sleep Electric.
- The boards are actively encouraging us to
- use as much electricity as we canÿ and are
- applying as much pressure as any other
- company which drives the consumer wheel.
- SAFETY FIRST?: On the subject of moneyÿ
- but this time saving it not spending it -
- consider safety requirements. I have yet to
- see a company of any type which does not cut
- a few corners on health and safety when it
- comes to saving money. And the electricity
- business is no differant.
- Just look at a power station and you will
- see the sort of rubbish it is throwing out
- into the airÿ the waterÿ the soil. These
- emmissions are being cut down by law over
- the coming yearsÿ but it will do no good.
- The few percent cuts in emmissions from
- individual plants will be offset by the
- increase in pollution elsewhere in the cycle
- (see above). And not just thatÿ but how
- many of the plants are going to stick
- exactly by the rules? We shall see.
- So next time you turn on the Stereoÿ the
- Toasterÿ or even this Computerÿ you can look
- at your electricity share certificates and
- feel secure in the knowledge that we are ALL
- sharing the blame.