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- a case that does not conform to normal rules
- ecception
- acception
- exception
- c
- in an early state of development
- primitive
- primative
- primmative
- a
- appears
- seams
- seems
- semes
- b
- close at hand; nearby
- arount
- arround
- around
- c
- absolutely
- down right
- downright
- down write
- b
- construction project
- development
- developement
- divelopemint
- a
- constancy
- perseverance
- perserverence
- preserverance
- a
- a large luxurious car
- limosine
- limousine
- limmerzine
- b
- having died out
- exstint
- exstinct
- extinct
- c
- power; might
- puissance
- piussanse
- puessence
- a
- to describe
- limb
- limn
- limm
- b
- hcho
- formeldehide
- formaldihyde
- formaldehyde
- c
- atomic
- nuclear
- nucular
- newclear
- a
- whiskey or brandy
- alchol
- alcohol
- alcahol
- b
- appetizers
- orderves
- hors d'oeuvres
- hors doeuvres
- b
- a dictatorship of the extreme right
- fashism
- faschism
- fascism
- c
- showy
- flamboyant
- flameboyent
- flamboyent
- a
- disapproval
- censhure
- censure
- cenchure
- b
- center of interest
- cinesure
- cinasure
- cynosure
- c
- keenness
- acuity
- aciuty
- akuity
- a
- deep fissure
- crayvace
- crevasse
- crevase
- b
- not to win
- loose
- luze
- lose
- c
- to anger
- exasperate
- excasperate
- eccasperate
- a
- aggravate
- eccacerbate
- exacerbate
- exaserbate
- b
- wild uproar or noise
- pandamonium
- pandemonium
- pandimonium
- b