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- 24
- fallen into disrepair
- delapitated
- delapidated
- dilapidated
- c
- a surgical cut
- incision
- insicion
- insision
- a
- vicinity
- nieghborhood
- neighbourhood
- neighborhood
- c
- rolling grassland
- prairie
- prayrie
- prarie
- a
- without companions
- lonly
- loneley
- lonely
- c
- grim; gruesome
- macabre
- macaber
- makabre
- a
- lung lesions
- tuburculosis
- tuberculosis
- turberculosis
- b
- to destroy completely
- eraticate
- earaticate
- eradicate
- c
- fish that spawns in fresh water
- salmon
- sammon
- samoun
- a
- tall slender tower
- minerete
- minaret
- minnowete
- b
- fixed and lasting
- permanent
- permenant
- permanant
- a
- not exact
- indefinate
- indefanite
- indefinite
- c
- slide down a mountain slope
- glissade
- glizade
- gliscade
- a
- pretend
- disemble
- dissemble
- disassemble
- b
- without blemish
- imaculate
- imacculate
- immaculate
- c
- corresponding in amount
- commensurate
- comensurate
- comendsurate
- a
- communication by letters
- correspondense
- corrsepondence
- correspondance
- b
- talkative
- garulious
- garulous
- garrulous
- c
- vital
- necessary
- neccesary
- nesessary
- a
- to make shorter
- abreveate
- abbreveate
- abbreviate
- c
- the state of being away
- absence
- abcense
- absense
- a
- remains preserved in rock
- fosil
- fossil
- fossel
- b
- false appearance
- guys
- gize
- guise
- c
- once in a while
- occasionally
- ocassionally
- ocassionaly
- a