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- 25
- directed for information
- referred
- refered
- reffered
- a
- suggest
- reccomend
- recommend
- recommand
- b
- presentation before an audience
- performence
- preformance
- performance
- c
- exchange of messages
- communication
- communnication
- comunication
- a
- ability to get along with others
- compatability
- compatiabilty
- compatibility
- c
- by drawing
- grafically
- graphically
- graphicaly
- b
- small reference book
- manule
- manuel
- manual
- c
- attack without warning
- surprise
- surprize
- suprize
- a
- even; flat
- levle
- level
- leval
- b
- unearthly art
- surealism
- sureallism
- surrealism
- c
- conundrum
- dilemma
- dillema
- dylemma
- a
- reaction; reply
- responce
- response
- responds
- b
- unearthly; strange
- wierd
- wyrd
- weird
- c
- overstate
- exaggerate
- exxagerate
- exagerrate
- a
- to include
- envolve
- involve
- innvolve
- b
- device to perform a task
- michine
- meschine
- machine
- c
- handed out cards
- dealt
- delt
- dealed
- a
- sent to another place
- transfered
- transferred
- trannsfered
- b
- instead of
- in lew of
- in lou of
- in lieu of
- c
- quite a few
- allot
- alot
- a lot
- c
- understood
- knew
- new
- knieu
- a
- straightened
- alligned
- alined
- allined
- b
- of an earlier time
- passed
- passt
- past
- c
- rested on the surface; reclined
- liad
- laid
- layed
- b
- large steel rope
- cable
- cabel
- cabul
- a