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Text File  |  2001-05-08  |  13.3 KB  |  423 lines

  3. [Interface]
  4. Skill: Skill
  5. Dedication: Dedication
  6. Loyalty: Loyalty
  7. CostToPromote: Promote
  8. CostToHire: Hire
  9. Confirm: Confirm
  10. Cancel: Cancel
  11. DudText:    Itsa me, Mario
  12. MessageInbox: Viewing message inbox
  13. MessageArchive: Viewing message archive
  14. MessagesEmpty: (currently empty)
  15. Demolish: Demolish...?
  16. CancelBlueprint: Cancel Blueprint...?
  17. RePackRoom: Repack Room...?
  18. Assasinated: A spy has assassinated a visitor!
  19. SpyDeada: Your spy has been killed
  20. SpyDeadb: Your spy has been imprisoned
  21. SpyDeadc: Your spy has been discovered
  22. Spy2: You have demoralised a visitor to team %s
  23. Date: Stardate
  24. Spod: Spod Factor
  25. BuildHardplan: HARDPLAN
  26. BuildFurnitureplan: EQUIPMENT PLAN
  27. BuildTechnology: TECHNOLOGY
  28. BuildDroids: DROIDS
  29. BuildCargo: BASIC CARGO
  30. BuildQueue: QUEUE
  31. LabTechTree: TECH-CHART
  32. LabDurability: DURABILITY
  33. LabEconomy: ECONOMY
  34. LabEfficiency: EFFICIENCY
  35. LabTechnology: TECHNOLOGY
  36. MissingItems: Your room is missing these vital bits of equipment -- without them it will not function!
  37. MissingDoors: Your room has no doors! You must place some before you can build it.
  38. NavBlocked: You can't place that there - it would block the following item: %s
  39. NavNoDoors: You have no doors in this room - without them, your peeps will not be able to reach this equipment!
  40. //CanNotAffordRoom: Room design cost: %d. Current energy: %d.
  41. //CanNotAffordFurniture: Equipment cost: %d. Current energy %d.
  42. CanNotAffordDoor: You can't afford to place a door right now. Door cost: %d. Your current energy: %d.
  43. ChargedForDoor: You have been charged %d for the room door.
  44. //RoomPlacementForbidden: Room placement forbidden.
  45. PatternBufferFull: Your pattern buffer is full.
  46. SomeoneLostDeck: Someone has been completely dislodged from deck %d! 
  47. AutoSaving: Auto-saving...
  48. AutoSaved: Auto-saved.
  49. Loading: Loading...
  50. Loaded: Loaded.
  51. LoadFailed: Load failed!
  52. Paused: P a u s e d
  53. MustOwnAll: You must own all the decks to be able to occupy part of an adjacent segment.
  54. LeaveMission: Click the tick below when you feel like leaving this mission. There's no rush.
  55. YouMustBeAtWarToTarget: You must be at war to target other people's equipment or people.
  56. GiNone: GI_NONE - this text should never appear.
  57. ChatMessage: Chat to players:
  58. ChatEveryone: Everyone
  59. ChatNoone: No-one (!)
  60. YouCantPlaceTreesTooCloseToLiftsTemplesOrEachOther: You cannot place trees too close to other objects.
  61. OpeningFreshSegXYouOnlyHaveY: Opening a fresh segment costs %d, you only have %d.
  62. CantPlaceRoomDoorThatCloseToStationHullWall: You can't place a room door that close to a station hull wall.
  63. OSDCantGoThere: You can't go there.
  65. [Cargo]
  66. NotForRecycling: It's not available for recycling.
  67. GotEnough: No thanks, I've got enough already.
  68. DontWant: The trader doesn't want any of those.
  70. [Ships]
  71. NotYours: Please don't prod at other player's ships.
  72. NotThere: I see no ships.
  73. NotTrade: You can't trade with passenger ships.
  74. NotReady: The merchant ship isn't in a position to trade right now.
  75. Already: You are already trading with someone.
  78. TabResi: Residents
  79. TabVisi: Visitors
  80. TabDroids: Droids
  81. TabOverview: Overview
  82. HeadingName: Name
  83. HeadingSkill: Skill
  84. HeadingDedication: Dedication
  85. HeadingLoyalty: Loyalty
  86. HeadingRank: Rank
  87. HeadingCost: Cost
  88. HeadingMood: Mood
  89. HeadingPieChart: Popularity
  90. HeadingGraph: Income Graph
  91. Friend: Friend
  92. Foe: %d%% Foe
  93. SpyCam:    SpyCam
  96. CuredCount: Cures
  97. DeathCount: Deaths
  98. RehabCount: Rehabilitated Convicts
  99. EscapeeCount: Escaped Convicts
  100. CrateCount: Food Crate Counter 
  101. PenitantCount: Penitants converted
  102. AronaTime: Rotations Remaining
  103. ResearchCount: Discovery Counter
  104. CargoCount: Approximate Cargo Value
  107. [Peep]
  108. Scutter: Scuzzer MkI
  109. WheelScutter: Scuzzer MKII
  110. HoverScutter: Scuzzer MKIII
  111. PoliceScutter: Security Scuzzer
  112. Salthog: Groulien Salt Hog
  113. grey: Grey
  114. gor: Kasvagorian
  115. targ: Grekka Targ
  116. karmarama: Karmarama
  117. zedem: Zedem Monk
  118. scientist: Turakken
  119. siren: Dahanese Siren
  120. malesiren: Dahanese Siren
  121. gemslug: Polvakian Gem Slug
  122. penancesuit: Penance Suit
  123. goma: Goma
  124. goulifor: Gloath
  125. haerocan: Pteraglyde
  126. vermin: Space Vermin
  127. Memau: Memau
  128. Spawn: Skrasher
  129. Spy: Spy
  131. [Portable]
  132. IndustrialCrate: Industrial Materials
  133. MedicalSupplyCrate: Medical Supplies
  134. FoodSupplyCrate: Food Supplies
  135. HardwareCrate: Hardware Supplies
  136. TechnologyCrate: Technology
  137. LuxuryItemCrate: Luxury Goods
  138. OreCrate: Mineral Ores
  139. BlackMarketGoodsCrate: Black Market Goods
  140. BombCrate: Bomb
  141. AlienArtifactCrate: Alien Artifacts
  142. Junk: Junk
  143. Litter: Litter
  144. Turdite: Turdite
  145. DamagedGoodsCrate: Damaged Goods
  146. ScutterCrate: Scuzzer
  147. HardplanCrate: Hard Plans
  148. FurnitureplanCrate: Equipment Plans
  150. [Tree]
  151. TreeLTLM: Pinecale
  152. BushLTLM: Frostarian Snapper
  153. TreeMTLM: Mopani
  154. BushMTLM: Drickling
  155. TreeHTLM: Eucalymus
  156. BushHTLM: Cactoidal
  157. TreeLTMM: Willonidia
  158. BushLTMM: Palabast
  159. TreeMTMM: Elderbaran
  160. BushMTMM: Lillith
  161. TreeHTMM: Amadinka
  162. BushHTMM: Krans
  163. TreeLTHM: Ashvella
  164. BushLTHM: Iciqueue
  165. TreeMTHM: Mangotana
  166. BushMTHM: Succulus
  167. TreeHTHM: Ebonicle
  168. BushHTHM: Bazack
  169. WaterRushes: Stickrush
  170. WaterWeeds: Weedicle
  171. WaterLily: Lilyenta
  173. [Furniture]
  174. Door: Door
  175. Projector: Analyser
  176. Workstation: Workstation
  177. Bench: Workbench
  178. Microscope: Microscope
  179. MatterReplicator: Replicator
  180. AnalysisBin: Analyser
  181. UnfashionableTemple: Temple
  182. Bunk: Slumber Pod
  183. HealthCharts: Diagnosis Unit
  184. WaitingCouch: Sickbay Waiting Couch
  185. Dispenser: Dispenser
  186. MediBed: Medi Bed
  187. MachineThatGoesPing: Pingotron
  188. XRayMachine: Z-Ray Scanner
  189. SpoodianBarTable: Rough Table
  190. HurbishBarTable: Recreational Table
  191. LitterBin: Litter Bin
  192. Gnmerich: Gnmerich
  193. Kategukhat: Kategukhat
  194. Legacy: Legacy
  195. Matter: Matter Anti-Matter
  196. Mother: Mother
  197. Planetscape: Planetscape
  198. Endeavour: Endeavour
  199. Furies: Furies
  200. Uplanter: Uplanter
  201. FlegicaliBarTable: Cocktail Table
  202. Cell: Cell
  203. PlazaBench: Bench
  204. Lamp: Corridor Lamp
  205. FatherZeodorus: Father Zeodorus
  206. Tower: Peace Totem
  207. XFountain: Unfashionable Fountain
  208. Monument: Robot Heaven
  209. LoveChair: Love Chair
  210. LoveBench: LoveNest Waiting Seat
  211. SpoodianBar: Rough Bar Unit
  212. HurbishBar: Recreational Bar Unit
  213. FlegicaliBar: Cocktail Bar
  214. SlugBar: Slug Bar Unit
  215. SlugBarTable: Slug Pod
  216. TeeVee: Image Projector
  217. LavaLamp: Ultra-lamp
  218. Clock: Chronometer
  219. PlantPot: Plant Bio-pot
  220. // Unused
  221. Unfashionablewhatsit: Unfashionablewhatsit
  222. Unfashionablefountain: Unfashionablefountain
  225. [Room]
  226. FurniturePlanItems: Equipment Plans
  227. HardplanItems: Hardplan Items
  228. CorridorItems: Corridor Items
  229. Port: Port
  230. Lift: Lift
  231. Collector: Energy Collector
  232. CollectorNode: Power Booster
  233. Berth: Berth
  234. SickBay: Sick Bay
  235. Laboratory: Laboratory
  236. DryDock: Star Dock
  237. Recycler: Recycler
  238. CargoBay: Cargo Hold
  239. Workshop: Factory
  240. Charger: Recharger
  241. Vendor: Dine-o-Mat
  242. Satcom: Comsensor
  243. SecurityControl: Security Control
  244. Disco: Disco
  245. FightingPit: Combat Arena
  246. HoloSuite: Holodrome
  247. Orophux: Oroflex
  248. Gyro: Gyro
  249. OneStarHotel: Star Motel
  250. TwoStarHotel: Space Inn
  251. ThreeStarHotel: Palace Galactica
  252. Lavotron: Lavotron
  253. Slugpartment: Slugpartments
  254. MusicShop: Music Shop
  255. ComputerShop: Computer Store
  256. CurioGiftShop: Curiosity Shop
  257. SportsShop: Leisure Store
  258. ArmySurplus: Combat Store
  259. GeneralStore: General Store
  260. RoughBar: Rough Bar
  261. CocktailBar: Cocktail Bar
  262. BeerBar: Recreational Bar
  263. Casino: Roulesse Wheel
  264. ViewingGallery: Viewing Gallery
  265. Brig: Lockdown Brig
  266. Gunner: Security Column
  267. LoveNest: Love Nest
  268. Temple: Zedem Temple
  269. Fountain: Plaza Fountain
  271. [Disease]
  272. ExplodyHead: Explodey Disease
  273. BlotchyGreen: Blotchy Green
  274. SpacePlague: Blue Space Plague
  275. AlienSpawn: Alien Spawn Infection
  276. CommonCold: Common Cold
  277. RadiationSickness: Radiation Sickness
  278. SolarFever: Solar Fever
  279. LunaPsychosis: Luna Psychosis
  280. Nymphitus: Nymphitus
  281. GutWorms: Gut Worms
  282. DroopEye: Droop Eye
  283. Hyperactivitus: Hyperactivitus
  286. [Tooltips]
  287. Accept: Accept
  288. Decline: Decline
  289. Idle: Idle
  290. Autopsy: Conducting autopsy on: %s
  291. Analysing: Analysing %s
  292. AwaitingScientist: Awaiting input from scientist
  293. Blueprint: Blueprint
  294. NotWorking: Nonfunctional
  295. RoomPower: Toggle Room Power
  296. RoomDemolish: Repack Room
  297. RoomCam: Switch to RoomCam
  298. RoomEdit: Edit Room
  299. EnergyFood: Synthetic Food
  300. CargoFood: Real Food
  301. OreFood: Minerals-Based Food
  302. IncreasePrice: Increase cost for a visitor to use this room
  303. DecreasePrice: Decrease cost for a visitor to use this room
  304. CargoUnpack: Unpack cargo
  305. MessageBack: Previous message
  306. MessageForward: Next message
  307. MessageNew: New message
  308. MessageArchive: Add to message archive
  309. MessageAccept: Accept
  310. MessageDecline: Decline
  311. MessageRespond: Zoom to event
  312. MessageStore: View message archive
  313. EjectOccupant: Eject this alien from the facility
  314. NextPod: Next occupant
  315. PreviousPod: Previous occupant
  316. ShowTechTree: View research chart
  317. CargobayHardplan: View all available room plans
  318. CargobayFurnitureplan: View all available equipment plans
  319. CargobayTechnologyplan: View all available technology plans
  320. CargobayScuzzerplan: View all available scuzzer-plans
  321. CargobayCargo: View all available basic-cargo
  322. CargobayAuction: Beam an item into here to auction it off
  323. WorkshopHardplan: View all available room plans
  324. WorkshopFurnitureplan: View all available equipment plans
  325. WorkshopTechnologyplan: View all available technology plans
  326. WorkshopScuzzerplan: View all available scuzzer-plans
  327. WorkshopCargo: View all available basic-cargo
  328. WorkshopQueue: View your workshop building queue
  329. WorkshopDeleteItem: Delete selected item from your queue (refund)
  330. PeepPromoteCost: Cost to promote this alien
  331. PeepHireCost: Cost to hire this alien
  332. PeepCash: How much Energy this alien is carrying
  333. PeepHire: Hire this alien
  334. PeepFire: Fire this alien
  335. PeepPromote: Promote this alien
  336. PeepDemote: Demote this alien
  337. PeepShoulderCam: Left-click to enter "Shoulder-Cam"
  338. PeepMoodHealth: Does this alien require medical attention?
  339. PeepMoodHunger: Is this alien hungry?
  340. PeepMoodToilet: Does this alien require sanitation?
  341. PeepMoodLove: Does this alien require love?
  342. PeepMoodFun: Is this alien bored?
  343. PeepMoodTired: Is this alien tired?
  344. PeepMoodHappy: Does this alien require redemption?
  345. DiscoSlider: Adjust the volume of the disco
  346. StockGauge: Current level of stock
  347. ScuzzerRepair: Repair Room and Equipment
  348. ScuzzerBuild: Build Rooms
  349. ScuzzerRecycle: Recycle Litter
  350. ScuzzerClean: Clean Rooms and Equipment
  351. ScuzzerTasksLock: When highlighted task changes will be applied to all scuzzers stationwide 
  352. ScuzzerBattery: Scuzzer's battery power
  353. ScuzzerDamage: Scuzzer's health
  354. ScuzzerForceRepair: Force this scuzzer to repair at a recharger
  355. ScuzzerForceRecharge: Force this scuzzer to charge its batteries at a recharger
  356. ScuzzerRename: Left-click to rename
  357. SecurityScuzzerArrest: Arrest criminals (expelled if no Lockdown Brig available)
  358. SecurityScuzzerCaution: Caution criminals (stops crime but takes no further action)
  359. SecurityScuzzerIgnore: Ignore criminals
  360. SecurityScuzzerTerminate: Terminate criminals
  361. FRESHSEGMENT: Bulkhead interface: Occupy fresh segment
  362. UNLOCKSEGMENT: Bulkhead interface: Open doors
  363. LOCKSEGMENT: Bulkhead interface: Close doors
  364. FORCEUNLOCKSEGMENT: Bulkhead interface: Breach
  365. TAKEOVERSEGMENT: Bulkhead interface: Take over segment
  366. CANCELFORCESEGMENT: Bulkhead interface: Cancel breach/takeover
  367. MUSTOWNALL: Bulkhead interface: No action available
  368. NOACTIONAVAILABLE: Bulkhead interface: No action available
  369. HULLWALL: Bulkhead
  370. MUSTERPOINT: Muster point
  371. // FIXME: From here on has not been translated.
  372. OSDbiodeckland: Alter land height
  373. OSDbiodeckwater: Adjust water levels
  374. OSDbiodeckmoisture: Adjust moisture levels of landscape
  375. OSDbiodecktemperature: Adjust terrain temperature
  376. OSDbiodecktoggle: Toggle biodeck controls on/off
  377. OSDbiodecksize1: Make subtle biodeck adjustments
  378. OSDbiodecksize2: Make medium biodeck adjustments
  379. OSDbiodecksize3: Make large biodeck adjustments
  380. OSDbiodecksize4: Make extreme biodeck adjustments
  381. OSDpeepmanagement: Show management panel
  382. OSDchangedeck1: Jump to Technical deck
  383. OSDchangedeck2: Jump to Pleasure deck
  384. OSDchangedeck3: Jump to Biodeck
  385. OSDtoggleradar: Toggle Torus Map
  386. OSDcameratoggle: Toggle camera controls
  387. OSDcameraangle: Left-click and hold to adjust camera angle
  388. OSDcameraheight: Left-click and drag slider to adjust camera height
  389. TradeCratesTrader: Trader Cargo for sale
  390. TradeCratesPlayer: Your current stock
  391. TradeCratesEmpty: Out of stock
  392. TradeCostTrader: Cost to buy from the trader. The number of green or red faces indicate a good or bad price respectively
  393. TradeCostPlayer: Cost to sell to the trader. The number of green or red faces indicate a good or bad price respectively
  394. TradeScroll: Scroll the cargo list
  396. //Management Screen Text
  398. ManagementResidents: Display resident roster
  399. ManagementVisitors: Display visitor roster
  400. ManagementDroids: Display droid roster
  401. ManagementOverview: Display station statistics
  402. ManagementPortrait: Zoom to the selected alien or droid
  403. ManagementPeepSelected: Select this alien or droid
  404. ManagementSlider: Scroll the roster
  405. ManagementPeepToggle: Show or hide this alien or droid type in the roster
  406. ManagementPopularity: How popular your station is in relation to the other station administrators
  407. ManagementMoods: The average moods of your station population
  408. ManagementOverallMood: The overall happiness of your population
  409. ManagementGraph: Income (green) and outgoings (red) over the last 10 minutes
  410. ManagementDiplomacy: The diplomatic status of the other station administrators 
  414. [PDA]
  415. Winner: YOU'RE A WINNER!
  416. Loser: LOST IN SPACE
  417. Revisit: Revisit Mission
  418. Replay: Replay level
  419. Resume: Continue playing
  420. NextLevel: Next Level
  421. MainMenu: Main Menu