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/ PC World Plus! (NZ) 2001 October / PCW1001.iso / Games / startopiademo1.exe / text / English / hobbies.txt < prev    next >
Text File  |  2001-02-13  |  5KB  |  117 lines

  2. [Hobbies]
  3. Flowerpressing: Flower pressing
  4. Fishing: Fishing
  5. CollectingfineBongoolianMucusWine: Collecting fine Bongoolian Mucus Wine
  6. Collectingsmallmodelreptoids: Collecting small model reptoids
  7. Starshipspotting: Starship spotting
  8. Antigravitycooking: Antigravity cooking
  9. Playingspaceguitar: Playing space guitar
  10. Miniaturespace-wargaming: Miniature space-war gaming
  11. Asteroidclimbing: Asteroid climbing
  12. Antigravitydancing: Antigravity dancing
  13. Inventingthings: Inventing things
  14. Weaponsresearch: Weapons research
  15. Meteorracing: Meteor racing
  16. Cybernetics: Cybernetics
  17. Ancientlanguages: Ancient languages
  18. Playingvideogames: Playing video games
  19. TakingcareoflostMemau: Taking care of lost Memau
  20. PolishingSkrasherchitin: Polishing Skrasher chitin
  21. BreedingYabberjacks: Breeding Yabberjacks
  22. Photographingblackholes: Photographing black holes
  23. Buildingmodelstarships: Building model starships
  24. EnvironmentalIssues: Environmental Issues
  25. Politics: Politics
  26. WatchingZ-ratedfilms: Watching Z-rated films
  27. Solarsurfing: Solar surfing
  28. Chasingcomets: Chasing comets
  29. Catchingfallingstars: Catching falling stars
  30. Diningout: Dining out
  31. Goingboldlywherenoalienhasgonebefore: Going boldly where no alien has gone before
  32. Duellingwithlaserswords: Duelling with laser swords
  33. BreedingSpawn: Breeding Spawn
  34. Ponderingtheanswertotheultimatequestion: Pondering the answer to the ultimate question
  35. Restoringolddroids: Restoring old droids
  36. HuntingGlaoths: Hunting Glaoths
  37. SpreadingthewordofZedem: Spreading the word of Zedem
  38. SavingthePhinray: Saving the Phinray
  39. Collectingspacerocks: Collecting space rocks
  40. Solarsailing: Solar sailing
  41. Hitch-hikingacrosstheGalaxy: Hitch-hiking across the Galaxy
  42. Growingbonsaiplanets: Growing bonsai planets
  43. ListeningtothespacerockbandTheRollingAsteroids: Listening to the space rock band The Rolling Asteroids
  44. ListeningtothespacerocklegendBruceWarpsteen: Listening to the space rock legend Bruce Warpsteen
  45. CountingthenumberofstarsintheMungoidNebula: Counting the number of stars in the Mungoid Nebula
  46. Listeningtothemusicofthespheres: Listening to the music of the spheres
  47. Tryingtoaudiblyscreaminspace: Trying to audibly scream in space
  48. Collectingthetinyplastictablesyougetinpizzaboxes: Collecting the tiny plastic tables you get in pizza boxes
  49. PractisingZed-fu: Practising Zed-fu
  50. Groovingondowntothefunkyspacebeat: Grooving on down to the funky space beat
  51. Watchingpaintdry: Watching paint dry
  52. BitingoffmorethanIcanchew: Biting off more than I can chew
  53. CollectingusedSirenunderwear: Collecting Siren wing feathers
  54. Collectingsecondhandtoiletpaper: Collecting second hand scuzzers
  55. Collectingsphinctergasesforlaterenjoyment: Collecting giggle gas for later enjoyment
  56. Watchingkettlesboil: Watching kettles boil
  57. PlayingUrbanChaosfromMuckyFoot: Playing Urban Chaos from Mucky Foot
  58. Zero-gweightlifting: Zero-g weight lifting
  59. Lickingwindows: Licking windows
  60. Shootingstars: Shooting stars
  61. Bogsnorkelling: Bog snorkelling
  62. Muffdiving: Deep Sea of Tranquillity diving
  63. Buildinglogcabins: Building log cabins
  64. Cablelaying: Cable laying
  65. Uphillgardening: Uphill gardening
  66. Interiordecorating: Interior decorating
  67. HorizontalHorticulture: Horizontal Horticulture
  68. Whistlinginthedark: Whistling in the dark
  69. Trufflehunting: Truffle hunting
  70. Monkeyspanking: Goma hunting
  71. Playingthepinkoboe: Playing in Cantina Bands
  72. Psychedelicyodelling: Psychedelic yodelling
  73. Astronomy: Astronomy
  74. Geography: Geography
  75. ParticlePhysics: Particle Physics
  76. Journalism: Journalism
  77. Passingthetimeofday: Passing the time of day
  78. Spreadinggossip: Spreading gossip
  79. Swimming: Swimming
  80. Bottomburpingcompetitions: Bottom burping competitions
  81. Collectingtoenailclippings: Collecting toenail clippings
  82. Proboscispicking: Proboscis picking
  83. PrayingtoOrbastangtheSunGod: Praying to Orbastang the Sun God
  84. Chillingoutwithfriends: Chilling out with friends
  85. Drinkingvastquantitiesofspacebooze: Drinking vast quantities of space juice
  86. Practicaljokes: Practical jokes
  87. Beinghappy: Being happy
  88. Omnicycling: Omnicycling
  89. Collectingexoticweaponry: Collecting exotic weaponry
  90. Tombraiding: Tomb raiding
  91. ReadingNationalGeomorphicMagazine: Reading National Geomorphic Magazine
  92. LearningTelepathy: Learning Telepathy
  93. BecomingonewiththeMultiverse: Becoming one with the Multiverse
  94. Quantumleaping: Quantum leaping
  95. Travellingfasterthanlight: Travelling faster than light
  96. Scaringyoungpodlings: Scaring young podlings
  97. Runningahydroponicfarm: Running a hydroponic farm
  98. Namingminorstars: Naming minor stars
  99. Wormholesurfing: Wormhole surfing
  100. Listeningforpeoplescreaminginspace: Listening for people screaming in space
  101. Waitingforthenextbigbang: Waiting for the next big bang
  102. TellingjokesaboutEarthlings: Telling jokes about Earthlings
  103. GrievingforrelativeslostatRoswell: Grieving for relatives lost at Roswell
  104. Abductingpeople: Abducting people
  105. Mutilatingcattle: Mutilating cattle
  106. HoveringoverMexicoCity: Hovering over Mexico City
  107. Irritatingthemilitary: Irritating the military
  108. Mindmelding: Mindmelding
  109. Warping: Warping
  110. Evolving: Evolving
  111. Spiritualenhancement: Spiritual enhancement
  112. Decodingradiowaves: Decoding radio waves
  113. LaughingaboutSETI: Laughing about SETI
  114. Poetry: Poetry
  115. Growingbileworms: Growing bile worms